The ABDL community, for the most part, is vigilant in maintaining a barrier between those who are 18 and above and those under 18 who are just beginning to explore the world of ABDL for the first time.
That includes this website.
Every bit of content you see here, from ABDL photos to Q&A answers to contest entries to guest entries - it’s all 18+.
We do this for the safety of those underage just starting out in the kink communities, and we do it for the protection of everyone else.
While the age of consent in the United States is often 17, or even 16 in some states, and even lower in many of the other countries in which my blog followers reside, the vast majority of our community maintains an 18+ rule when it comes to our meetups, our events, and even our websites.
We do this because it’s the law in many places.
And we do it because we believe it’s the right thing to do.
We do it because we know that every person who is a minor lurking now will eventually become an adult joining our community, and we want you to join a community you can be proud of - not one that took advantage of you when you were young.
With youth comes inexperience, and with inexperience comes mistakes where judgment calls are concerned.
It’s easy to ‘hook up’ with someone you’ll later wish you hadn’t - that sort of decision-making skill comes with age, and with time.
Likewise, it’s not hard to get excited and share pictures with someone you think you’ve gotten to know, only to discover they’re actually someone other than who they’ve portrayed themselves as. The older you get, the easier it is to detect the signs. Almost nobody can in their teen years. And once you’ve sent an exploiter your photos, they’re online forever.
I’m not naive. I put out a survey to the community, and one of the questions asked how old people were when they began ABDL networking online. More than half of the nearly 1,600 respondents admitted that they got their start before they turned 18.
Still, I ask those under 18 to wait before visiting this website.
I trust that you will respect me and my wishes, and I thank you in advance for doing so.
And now, if I may offer a little advice…
There will be a few members of our community who don’t let the fact that you are ‘underage’ get in the way of their good time.
We don’t claim them - they’re not really a part of our community, but are outliers taking advantage of it. Don’t be fooled.
If you are under age 18, nobody over 18 who considers themselves a part of the ABDL community will be trying to meet you. Be smart, and just wait.
If you’re talking to others in the community, don’t ask anyone to send you diaper pictures, and don’t send them to anyone, either. That would likely violate the law.
And please, for the love of God, don’t take diaper pictures to share yourself.
While many in our community view ABDL photos to be non-sexual if no genitalia is shown, and while it’s true that ABDL is actually non-sexual for many among us - and may be for you - the truth is that ABDL is also, for many others in our community, a sexual fetish.
Don’t take diaper pictures until you’re 18, and definitely don’t share them with anyone if you do.
There are places in our community that purport to be safe for minors looking for more information on this fetish. You may have heard of ADISC, for example, or read some subreddits dedicated to ABDLs under 18. If you are going to visit those websites, be smart.
Remember that, while they may be generally ‘safe’, nothing stops those over aged 18 from signing up, and from pretending to be someone your age.
Don’t be fooled by imposters on these, or any, websites - don’t give out your personal information, don’t share ABDL photos, and if you decide to meet, do it in a very public place. The mall. Or outside the police station - that will probably scare the pedophiles off. Whatever you do, never, ever give out your home address, and never go to someone’s home that you haven’t already met in a public place.
Despite all of the scary warnings above, this community is amazing in nearly every possible way. Being a part of it has changed my life, and enriched my life in so many ways. The ABDL community started off small - before my time, even - and it has steadily grown in the years I’ve been a part of it. Lately it’s been exploding with new members - there seem to be so many young people turning 18 and joining our websites and forums every day. We love to see that… once you turn 18.
I am confident you’ll find that this community will enrich your life, as well, one day. And have no fear - the community will be here for a long, long time. We’re not going anywhere. We will be here to welcome you the moment you turn 18, when you are legally old enough to join the adult websites that make up the bulk of our community spaces online.
Honestly, we can’t wait to meet you!
But we will wait - because it’s the right thing to do.
Please, please, please… consider your future place in our community, and do the right thing as well.
Look forward to meeting you in the not-so-distant future.
Until then, be safe… be smart… and (sorry!) please, for now… be gone.
Yours truly,