
Q13: Don't let yourself be limited by my questions. If you have anything else at all that you would like to say, please feel free to say it here...


More than 100 people have taken the time to answer my Q&A questions in the seven years since I first put them out.

If you take the time to read through some of the Q&A's one by one, you'll see that it's no easy feat.

Thirteen questions, some of them incredibly personal. I've had more than 150 people ask for the Q&A questions, and less than 100 answer them, so that may give you an idea of the degree of difficulty.

Some of the respondents spent days on their answers, and it shows.

Others have submitted Q&A's only to withdraw them, either because they feel like their answers somehow don't measure up.

Or they've decided not to submit them at all because their ABDL experience has changed while they're in the process of answering - people who answer Q&A's like I write blog entries, probably: starting and stopping over a long period of time.

I appreciate all of the answers, no matter how in-depth or how brief. And I appreciate everyone who's asked for the ability to do a Q&A, regardless of how long it's taken them to complete them - even the ones that are still out there, just waiting to be completed.

Coming up with thirteen questions wasn't easy. (I've since put out a 'Q&A Update' series of questions, and am working on a series of questions for mommies and daddies as well). So that nobody feels limited by the first twelve questions, for the final question I opened it up to - well, just about anything.

And a number of Q&A respondents weren't limited by my questions at all - they just made up their own questions, sprinkling them in throughout their Q&A's as they went.

Confession: I didn't even notice that some of them had done this - not until I spent time taking nearly 100 Q&A's and separating them question by question for this series. Suddenly I'm copying and pasting the fifth question, only it's not the fifth question at all, it's a made-up question, and... sigh - you get the idea.

In the end, though, I'm glad - because while I've spent time putting all of the answers together in one place for ease of reading, the real purpose behind this is to give people a place to express themselves and share as much of their ABDL story as they're comfortable sharing with the rest of us.

So, without further ado...




EMAIL CWIS: abysitter@gmail.com 18+



23 New Hampshire USA | April 4, 2018 


I am a strong believer in if what you like to do doesn't harm you or anyone else then you shouldn't be ashamed of it.

Saying that does not make it easy though. I myself fall victim to the shame or embarrassment of abdl and other things but that's why having close friends and letting people in and letting the emotional barriers down a little bit is so important. 

Abdl can be a very lonely thing for some but if you stick to it and sift through you'll find the real people in the community. The ones that dont see the physical you all the time but see the little guy or girl that you really are. And then once that happens everything gets better. Just remember baby steps! Pace yourselves and be smart but don't give in. :)



Little Skywalker

23 San Francisco CA USA | April 2, 2018

I want everyone who reads this, to know a few things. 

I think there is a perception in the abdl community that not everyone is cute, or not everyone is worthy of being “tumblr famous.” Alright, well, that’s bullshit. Some of the nicest people i’ve ever talked to have like 10 followers, and everyone is cute when they’re little. You don’t need cute clothes, you don’t need expensive diapers. You don’t need anything to be little, except being yourself. 

That being said, i’m acutely aware that was raised by a well off family, and that it’s easy for me to say these things, but I think the overall tumblr community could be a bit more open to accepting everyone, rather than just the twinks or jocks with every diaper imaginable.. 

Everyone has worth :) Just remember, it’s what’s on the inside that matters. [READ MORE



20, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | April 15, 2017 

For what it's worth, I'm also mixing my interest in photography (actually much rather narrative filmmaking but I don't think a serious ABDL film will happen anytime soon) with ABDL, of which the result is my tumblr, as well as my interest in creative writing, the result of which will hopefully be a full ABDL novel as an e-book and printed book, hopefully some time this year ^^. I think that's all I have to say, really. If anyone wants to get in touch, that's cool, feel free to message me on tumblr (https://kinesecd.tumblr.com/) , though keep in mind I'm not looking for casual sexual contact. That's really all, I think! [READ MORE


Crinklestar aka RobbiexRainbow

19 Archdale, NC | April 28, 2012 

I would like to point out that, in my OPINION, infantilism is everything from a simple interest, to a lifestyle/hobby, to a sexual fetish, and can fluidly flow through all these channels. Infantilism is unique in the fact that it can be used to supplement/cope for a number of thing that were either scarce in the past or feared for the future. No one should feel like since the word “fetish” is tacked onto it that they have to be seen as someone who is a creepy sex freak. I absolutely disagree with this being classified as purely a “sexual fetish.” But we are human, and we like organization, and fetish most closely described it with ease. Again, this is my PERSONAL OPINION on the matter. [READ MORE



23 Dallas, TX USA | December 2, 2015 

I'm so extremely grateful to so many in the community that have guided me and helped me to become the SLIGHTLY outgoing and friendly person that I am today. I've learned so much about so many different aspects of ABDL and in turn I've been able to share that knowledge with new people to the community and friends that have been curious. Whereas I AM a little boy, I've also got a little of own named Joshua and he's one of the most awesome little guys I know :D I look forward to continuing to grow in the community and become someone that anyone should feel free to befriend and talk to. I love you all! You're great people! [READ MORE


Nathan, aka Diapscort

20 Chester UK | June 4, 2012 

One thing I would like to say is that this fetish confused me about my sexuality first I thought I was straight then men in diapers turned me on I thought I was gay/bi but after about 5 years involved in this fetish I finally realised that I’m hetroflexible. For those who don’t know this means I am straight but I find the same sex attractive and don’t mind kissing them however sexual activity with the same sex is just not my thing. So I like to diaper hump with other people but never full on sex (I hope this last paragraph is not  too much or a little of topic). [READ MORE



30 Dallas TX USA | August 25, 2012

A few things I would like to add is being in Ireland its hard to meet other abdl people as most are shy and don't want to meet up as they are scared. Sometimes it can be depressing wearing diapers and doing other baby stuff when you aren't actually able to meet other abdl folks on a regular basis as the vast majority of people into it are in america and other parts of the world. My abdl friend who I visited in the uk has revived my interest in the abdl stuff a lot and making me realise that just because I don't meet any abdl people here doesn't mean its not fun as long as I have him in my life even tough hes in the uk. This person is basically my ab daddy. 

People who are reading this and have seen me on abdl sites: the only reason im not active much in the abdl community site side of things anymore is cause I have found what I am looking for which was a daddy even though he is in the uk. But I can visit him regularly compared to other daddys on the other side of the world. The other reason I left that community site stuff is cause I tend to get wrapped up in them easily and have been let down by lots of people and used by some of them. One day I may become as active as I was in them before, but not for the forseable future. For now I will stick with 1 site which I will use regularly, which is fetlife. [READ MORE



26 Chicago Illinois USA | July 19, 2018 

You really do get back what you give to this community. I always say that I have been very fortunate to have met the amazing people that I have in this community. I have made friendships in this community that will last my lifetime. That being said, I have also met some really horrible people in this community. Do not let a couple bad experiences ruin your perception of the kink community. There is SO MUCH LOVE IN THIS COMMUNITY. We look out for one another. Whether local or continents apart, we’re a family. We love. We protect. We teach. [READ MORE





21 Omaha, Nebraska USA | January 15, 2016 

I would finish this Q&A off by saying. Remember to always be yourself and understand your limitations. Know that this community is still small, but large in other areas. Never put it past you to go out on a will and meet someone in a town far away. I know I wouldn't be where I am today if I didn't post a single discussion thread stating I was going to the town I so enjoy, Chicago. Be free, be yourself, and have fun have a blast. [READ MORE


Jay Lew

38 Cincinatti, OH USA | February 7, 2018

It's only been in the last year that I've actually purchased diapers, wet, messed, played dress-up, experimented, and most importantly, gone to events with other ABDLs. On the one hand, it feels like a big relief to actually engage with this part of myself. On the other, I'm super paranoid about being discovered. There will be no photos. [READ MORE



19 Wisconsin, USA | September 12, 2020

I honestly cannot believe I am a part of this community. I have met so many cool people online and I cannot wait to actually meet them in person one day. You get to experience cool things. I never would have imagined working for an ABDL company, and it is all because I love taking pictures. I get to open up about ABDL and share my experiences. I am just so happy to be a part of such a fun and diverse community!

Jonathan “Jon” Johnny

25 Greenwood Lake, NY | October 20, 2020

I think things like this is good for the community, some of us feel like we're alone on this journey, but seeing how big the AB/DL community really gives my heart hope that we can see safe spaces for us all to be who we are without judgement. I hope to maybe one day find a caring mommy or daddy on the future to go to cons and luncheons with, really get immersed into the ever growing community of babs and diaper pals! Thank you for the opportunity to answer your questions


26 Saint Louis MO USA | February 1, 2019 

A couple years ago I was involved in a really bad accident that left me with a lot of problems. One of them is nerve damage that makes is hard to tell if I have to pee and mild stress incontinence, I legitimatly do wet the bed a couple nights a week now and it's not all it's cracked up to be. I have toyed with the idea of going full time diapers but messing is horrible so I probably won't. I already wear most of the time so it wouldn't be a huge change (no pun intended). [READ MORE]



21 Richmond, VA | November 13, 2020

Our community is amazing and wonderful, there are so many of us out there and I am beyond thankful for the ability to be united on social media! With that being said, we have to fight every day for our kink to be accepted in other kink communities, what we do is simply that, a kink and there is no reason for us to not be accepted! So I ask that all of us make sure to make a good name for the whole community, do not interact with minors, and (this is really important to me) do not, do not force non-consenting individuals to be a part of your “scene” not everyone wants to see a man in a diaper walking down the street! It makes our community as a whole look awful and destroys the progress we make establishing ourselves with other kinksters.

I cannot wait to see how our community continues to grow, I hope that it becomes more accepted and I hope that our community itself becomes more accepting. I cannot wait for the day that babs don’t have to be the “picture-perfect” twink to gather likes and friends! 


35 Melbourne, Victoria Australia | November 4, 2018

Only about a year ago, I was officially diagnosed on the Autism spectrum. My life has a very different, more sensible perspective now. [READ MORE



21 Ohio USA | January 17, 2017


I wanted to add some people ask how I got into messing. Well I have to say at first I did like doing it but I was always afraid to sit in it and wasn't sure if I would like it. Was mostly scared of clean up part and how hard it would be. Id have to say someone who really helped me out a lot was my big bro Baby-Gizz!! He helped me through it and told me that clean up is pretty easy. He helped me through having the confidence to sit in my dirty diaper. At first when I sat in it felt weird but wow it felt so good. So mushy and warm. Some people ask how it feels. Feels like your sitting in play-dough, also sometimes the clean up is not so bad. Sometimes when I sat in my mess and took of the diaper to go clean. Sometimes there was nothing on my butt. Its like play-dough you mush it down but it never really sticks to you but it depends on the state of your mess really. Sometimes you'll get some messy on your bum sometimes you wont but always make sure to take a shower. Taking a shower, makes cleaning easy. Also if you want to experience or are curious what its like to mess your diaper. Just put some bananas down your diaper or warm oatmeal it feels just like a messy but it doesn't stink. 

Also I’d like to thank some other of my diaper friends and the community for giving me confidence to show myself. I was a bit shy at first but now I feel confident with all the support. I love this community and so glad that im not alone to be into this. I also have had messages say that they loved my youtube account and my blog and that my blog helped inspired them to experience themselves and to not hide. I was so happy to hear that and to hear I inspired people to show themselves and do stuff they were afraid to do. There are a few people I know that have inspired me like my big bro baby-gizz, pedigreeangel, minimax, thepaddedprince, pull-up-prince, dbcayden, tynanmax, and also the littletriforce!! Could go on for hours!! Anyway Id like to close this off by saying that im a proud little to be part of this amazing community!! :) [READ MORE



22 Virginia USA | February 6, 2013

Unfortunately I live in a really small conservative area and that makes it hard to find and meet up with other ABDL's. It also greatly reduces any chances I have to find someone as a playmate or to babysit me. I have only had the opportunity to go to a littles munch once and while I enjoyed it a great deal, it was too far of a drive to make it something that could happen regularly. My goal is to find a playmate within a relatively close distance so that I can have someone to do things with that I can't do with most people... like play hide and seek, or wrestle, or sword fight, or with Nerf guns or any of that fun stuff. Naturally all my friends have long since outgrown those things and I can't find anyone to oblige anymore. I do own my own house (even if it is a townhouse) so I have room to play.. and am going to soon start working on turning one of my spare bedrooms into a nursery! I enjoy the little side of myself and I do try to indulge it every chance I get because it makes me happy.. and I think that's something everyone needs a little more of. [READ MORE



33 Colorado Springs CO USA | November 15, 2016

I'm always looking to make new friends, it seems as if there aren't that many AB's where I live (Colorado). I'd love to meet other AB's, even if it's just a hang out, it'd be nice not having to put everything away and lock up our nursery every time someone comes over. We're not looking for any mommies or daddies to take care of us but would still love to be friends, and the same for any AB boys or girls 😀  [READ MORE



UK | August 16, 2014

I hope that is a decent enough introduction to who I am. I can be found on Tumblr and Fetlife. Feel free to message me on there and introduce yourself. Please find enclosed a selection of my favourite pictures of me. I know it's frowned upon with editing out faces but I hope people understand why. Thanks. [READ MORE



26 Alabama USA | March 4, 2019

Well, I would like to say thank you to Cwis/Abysitter and every AB/DL who's shared their stories for others to see and get to know people like themselves. [READ MORE

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33 Phoenix AZ USA | April 14, 2019

I do have a bit of a stuffie/plushie soft spot. I have fond memories of being a child and having quite a few favorite plushies, and I used to insist on sleeping with them every night. Doing such these days really helps me find my little space, and I often sleep with a single plushie today. Stitch is a favorite of mine, in both personality and persona, and you'll often see him appear in various forms in many of my photos.



27 New Orleans LA USA | June 3, 2018

Venturing out about this is such a new journey and I am loving every bit of it. I wish it was something I had done at an younger age. If you are reading this as someone coming to terms with this side of you, you are not a freak, you are loved as you are, as long as what you are into does not harm you or others it is perfectly fine. [READ MORE




Pup Artemis

27 San Fransisco CA USA | October 16, 2018

I do wanna leave a little ending note saying that if anyone ever needs or wants someone to talk discussing diapers or pup play feel free to message me on any platform. I’m more then happy to chat. And to any little male or female who’s feeling sad alone or scared remember. There are lots of us out here. Your not alone. You are loved. It will get better. [READ MORE



25 New York, NY USA | August 2, 2018

I feel that we as community get comfortable with finding a group of friends, and staying that way. It somewhat becomes cliquey. In my opinion, when someone reaches out don’t just dismiss automatically. I mean do some vetting work but we have all been a new person in the community shows and we wanted someone to give us an olive branch. At the end of the day we are a small community, it’s grown a lot in the past years, and that means we need to stay a community. Give back what was given to you when you first started out. Also, I know everyone’s journey to accept this side of them is different, but please know that there are people you can reach out and talk to. People are willing to answer questions anytime , as long as they are not pervy or creepy, and this helps you feel less alone and ashamed. [READ MORE



24 Destin, FL USA | February 3, 2019

I’ve always been one who didn’t know how to express himself to other people without it being weird. I hope by me doing this it will help people understand who I am and why I am the way I am today. I will forever be grateful for some of the people in the community that have empowered me to be who I am. If anyone ever has any questions at all they can feel free to dm me on Instagram tumblr. I will always respond and try to be as friendly as I can be to anyone who want to talk. I am happy to be a part of a community of people who embrace each other for being who they are.  Thank you for allowing me to share my story.  And thank you to everyone who is apart of the community. [READ MORE



28 Austin TX USA | February 9, 2019


I want people to know more about the ABDL world. And just to preface... It’s really hard to categorize everyone into this but this has just been my experience thus far.  I’m just gonna give some bio about myself. Now, I’m a larger guy... I’m 6’4” and weigh about 240. Am I obese? Nah, just a bigger guy. I wear large diapers typically, and I do fit in mediums. Just like the feel of large diapers more. I’m super self-conscious about my stature and have stopped myself from meeting people because I’m nervous I’m not gonna be good enough. There have been two people I’ve come across in my life that upon meeting them, they have said “oh... your pictures must be older... you look, a lot bigger...” and other things of that nature. I will say it’s extremely hard to be in the position I’m in. I want to feel little, and be little, and I’m just not. I know there is a stigma in the community that puts the thinner and smaller people kind of on a pedestal. And though I have accepted what I am, and have met some amazing people that accept me for me, and even have made me feel small... it is still hard to navigate the and find what I’m looking for.  Just know this... We are all deserving of love, and we all deserve to find that person that makes you feel how you want to feel. Don’t ever give up on what you dream to do, and know that there are people in the world that will love you unconditionally. Whatever you look for, and whatever you need, don’t ever give up on that dream. [READ MORE



22 Shropshire UK | June 19, 2018

I hope these answers were good. Well done to Cwis from ABYSitter for being such a prominent, well-standing, credit to the community! You deserve a lot of respect and praise for what you do for us! [READ MORE]  



19 Charlotte, NC USA | October 31, 2012

Well I am always interested in getting to know others out their in the community and so feel free to message me on YIM or skype. I will add all my contact information on the end of this post so anyone interested can get into contact with me.

Also, something that I am doing for myself that I have found to be really helpful in self exploration and acceptance of my diaper side is my blog. I would really love if I could get some readers and some feed back on that as well! [READ MORE



EMAIL CWIS: abysitter@gmail.com 18+
