Q9: For the little dunces, please tell us about what it was like to discover this fetish/lifestyle on the internet?
If you're a regular reader of my blog, you know that I've been a long-time proponent of the '18+' rule for our community - the unwritten rule that adult babies and teen babies don't mix.
It wasn't always that way. I remember arguments on the Aby.com website forums where I worked to convince others that minors shouldn't be included in ABDL munches and house events - and, believe it or not, my view was in the minority.
Later, a friend screenshotted a chat on DL-Bois where several members of the community were making jokes at my expense. These were people I had connected with and considered friends, yet there they were, on DL-Bois, referring to me as the '18 Plus Nazi' and making fun of me for putting "18+" on every blog entry.
Still, I persisted, writing blog entries on the importance of that adult/child separation.
Today the overwhelming view in our community seems to be that there should be a line between adults and children - and I am glad for that.
I'm proud of our community every time I see someone post "18+" at the top of their Tumblr bio.
I'm proud every time I see someone reblog a post with that sentiment.
I'm grateful for those who understand my policy and the reasons behind it. Like those who read my blog as teens - yes, I know they're out there - but refrain from reaching out to me until they turn 18.
Like when my 'little brother' ABenjaminButton wrote me a 'thank you' note after he graduated high school - see his entry below. Ben wrote to his music teacher, and his minister, and teachers at his school - and me.
Or when Baby Matty entered my photo contest in 2016 - on his 18th birthday. I know that because I made him scan his ID before I'd post his photo entry. He turned 18 just days before the contest ended, and could have tried to sneak his photo in, but didn't.
Sure, there are still members of our community who come forward with the tired old argument that since they don't view their love for diapers as sexual there's nothing wrong with mixing it up with minors.
Or, because the age of consent is 16 or 17 in their state, or even 14 or 15 in their country, diapering 14 year olds and up isn't a problem.
Fortunately, those views seem to be spouted less and less every year.
In the meantime, the rest of us understand that we have a duty to protect the underage members of our community from harm - and as weird as it sounds, that means shunning them until they reach the age of 18.
That doesn't mean that underage ABDLs aren't out there. They're everywhere - our community is exploding, and new members are joining us on DL-Bois and Tumblr and Fetlife every single day.
But the majority of them care about the community enough to wait until they turn 18 to start reaching out, to start posting pictures - you get the idea.
Read the entries below - I'll be adding data from my #WhyABDL Survey soon...
24, New York USA & Italy | March 14, 2018
I’m not sure just how AB/DL I’d be today if it weren’t for the internet. My memory is hazy on the names of sites I first discovered but I remember finding this blog early on, a story that came up in a graduation thank-you letter I wrote to you back in 2012. The content that you wrote about goes back to pre-internet and what I read is the reason why I’m still to this day interested in meeting older members of the AB/DL community to hear their stories about the history of the scene and how it developed into modernity.
I also don’t really need to go into detail about how the internet in general is also sketchy as hell, especially when I was googling anything I could about boys (as a developing gay kid does) and diapers circa 2007-2012. There were many rabbit holes I went down where I could foresee a huge danger in developing an attraction for images and stories that were not appropriate. I think now with the advent of Tumblr, Reddit, Fetlife, and a big community of people committed to moderating behavior, that exploitative part of the internet is thankfully becoming less easy to find. [READ MORE]
24, The Netherlands | January 11, 2018
It was such a big relief to learn that I’m not the only one.
The most helpful site for me was ab-dl-tb-club.nl which is the biggest Dutch ABDL community with a lot of user generated content, all in Dutch. (I’ve actually become a moderator there).
Nowadays I still use this site the most, but I’m also Fetlife, and I have my Tumblr blog! [READ MORE]
20, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | April 15, 2017
I must have been around 7 years old when I discovered ABDL on the internet. Like I said before, it felt extremely weird at first, so much so that I didn't want to be a part of it. The tone of what I read was very analytic which made it seem like they were talking about mental patients. That site was a dutch site about infantilism which was apparently also a forum, which I didn't learn until recently. When I was about 14 I signed up with ADISC and a more popular dutch forum. I believe my ADISC account no longer exists but I still visit the dutch forum regularly. I only added fetlife, reddit and tumblr into the mix less than a year ago. The forum sites are all very mixed audience which means there's tons of people there who you will not effectively be able to socialize with. Fetlife, though, is much more like a social network, making it much easier to compose your bubble and have a good time. When I was just getting started with everything, the chatroom on the forum site got me into quite the number of creepy situations and I got in touch with a few adults looking for diaper pictures of underage kids too. It's an unfortunate reality but it was not at all hard to deal with. I have spoken a lot of people about occurences like these but it seems they were always completely fine with getting a 'no' and would not really pressure minors much, so these places were relatively safe. I wouldn't recommend even younger kids going on these sites, though. [READ MORE]
21, Pacific Northwest USA | March 4, 2017
Oh boy, I remember my first Google searches for “Diaper stories”. That's how I came across deeker. I knew at least that there must be more like me, so I never thought I was too too weird. None of it at a young age was ever sexual for me. It was more of the nurturing and AB side of things I liked. I would imagine myself to the the main character of whatever story I read, and it really helped solidify my love for ABDL stuff. [READ MORE]
William, aka ALittleRobotKid
New Jersey, USA | January 6, 2015
When I was 10 we finally got the internet on our home pc. Late one night while everyone was asleep I decided to put the key words "boys wearing diapers" into the search engine. It popped up links to Davee's Playpen, Big_Baby's website, Little Avey's, and BitterGrey's Den. BitterGrey had a lot of information posted and it was helpful but I still had questions and so that's when I decided to talk to my mom about all of it.
I was 10 mind you.
All in all it was great seeing older people too liked diapers like I did, but I also realized this was a sexual thing for many of them whereas is really wasn't for me. So I think that was really the driving force behind wanting to ask my mom. [READ MORE]
James aka APaddedGuyJ
24, Wiltshire, United Kingdom | February 19, 2018
I honestly don’t know what I would have done if it hadn’t been for the internet!
I first discovered the world of ABDL when I was 16. I’d just got my own computer.
I don’t remember the first time I searched for it but I do know it was out of curiosity. I had already discovered I liked wearing nappies so googled it to see if it was normal. I was not expecting to find what I did but it changed my life.
I remember using sites like RUPadded (yes, I know at the time I shouldn’t have been on these sites being under 18 but hey, I was curious :-), diaperbois and several forums\chat rooms. [READ MORE]
Baby L
Midwest USA | May 1, 2012
Wow. It was amazing to find out I wasn't crazy. I thought for the longest time that this would be something I would get over, or move past - until I met others of all ages who felt the same way. I've met some great people, but more creeps than good people. I started on ABY, and the original Diaper Boys. Then as those fell apart I migrate to DLBoy an the original RuP(way different than now). I credit those sites for helping me out a ton! There's not a book you can pick up at the bookstore on this stuff, it's learn as you live. [READ MORE]
18 London, United Kingdom | April 11, 2013
I experimented with diaper play allot but mainly when my parents were out. I cant forget the days I used to give myself enemas or pee an ungodly amount in my diaper but the internet gave me all these ideas i guess you could call it the catalyst to my fetish. I would spend hours on sites looking at the best ways to "maximize" my fetish and i gained many tips that i practiced with. but there were also down sides such as discovering online chat sites were I was underage and should have never been using or even showing my body parts to any of those people on there. [READ MORE]
22 Colorado Springs, CO USA | February 11, 2019
I was so excited to learn that I was not the only one out there that felt the same way that I do. I don’t remember the exact day, I believe I was 17, but when I stumbled onto tumblr, my searching began. [READ MORE]
29 Monterey, CA USA | April 3, 2015
I started searching the internet for porn like stuff after a classmate in school started talking about it. Of course he was talking about girls but I went straight to searching for 'penis pics' and the like. Before that all I knew of the naughty side of the internet was the @atemyballs meme on yahoo portals, which provided many giggles during my 6th grade computer lab. I imagine I found this around that time, at age 13 or so, when I explored just about everything that I liked online...I knew what I wanted, and was just excited to see it pop up at the click of a button. I don't think I even realized the implications of this discovery until later, when I began to understand the concept of an online community and the sheer number of people like me out there became apparent. I can't name any websites that are around today, it was mostly personal pages and stories at the time...but this was back in the day so I don't know if I could even find them if I tried now. [READ MORE]
Crinklestar aka RobbiexRainbow
19 Archdale, NC | April 28, 2012
I’m pretty sure this applies to me, since I was 14 when it started. My first experiences online were from a site called DPF [Diaper Pal Friends? I think it was.] I was young, and didn’t realize how many people were actually pedos with a false persona. But at the time, it was enjoyable to know I wasn’t alone with these feelings. [READ MORE]
23 Wichita KS USA | February 23, 2019
While I discovered the lifestyle at a much younger age (11) - I was still actively participating in forums and chats by the time I was 18, and still do. Being able to make new friends and have those friendships last a long time has really helped my self-confidence in the community. Connecting with people is what helped me. [READ MORE]
23 Dallas, TX USA | December 2, 2015
There was a specific ABDL story site...which I will not name, but is very well known and it no longer exists. I discovered it when I was around....13 years old and I was actually beyond excited that I wasn't the only one that had this interest. I remember a huge sense of relief and utter joy at getting to learn about even more the community and expand my curiosities. I drifted in and out of the interests, but around 16 I found tbdl.net, adisc, and the old Vangoo Snuggies Diapers pics. At 17 I found Fetlife and Diaper-Bois :P Tumblr was a little later obviously. [READ MORE]
25 Indianapolis, IN USA | October 26, 2018
Deeker's Diapers. These days it has a reputation for rampant pedophilia and wildly inappropriate content, but back then it was, to a 12 year old me, the only known location of ABDL content that catered to someone my age. And their alphabetic categorization scheme meant that I was never exposed to any of the things on the page that give it its reputation today. I'd come home from school and in the 150 minutes before my mom came home from work I'd read as many stories as I could get through. It gave me way too many wild expectations about who I'd be able to get diapered up when I went to summer camp or when I stayed over at a friend's, though. There was a brief period of time where Myspace was a possible refuge for the underage ABDL and I recall regularly communicating with a few people that at least claimed to be around my age, but the banhammer came around soon after and I saw the writing on the walls. Overnight the community disappeared so I got out before something got back to me. It made things exciting, though, like a prohibition-era speakeasy. Other, more dedicated platforms came around (or were subsequently discovered by me) once I came of age, but it was difficult for someone under 18. My earlier experiences told me that there were lots of us out there, but then all of a sudden I was told that the community isn't available to someone of my age and once the excitement of being persecuted wore off, it became pretty lonely. [READ MORE]
Nathan, aka Diapscort
20 Chester UK | June 4, 2012
In short it was amazing. I discovered that I was not the only one who was into this sort of thing. I discovered it when I was going through puberty so it was definitely linked to masturbation for me. But I think when I first discovered it I was a little naive as I just assumed that everyone in the community was alright - obviously as I grew older I started to notice the strange ones that creeped me out, so I started to be selective with whom I spoke. [READ MORE]
30 Dallas TX USA | August 25, 2012
At sixteen I discovered DPF and Deeker's. Both are now pretty much defunct, and while the latter was uncomfortably okay with stories involving minors, both sites were my introduction to the ABDL lifestyle and I must acknowledge that. It was such a relief to find both sites. Discovering them was the beginning of accepting this part of my life. [READ MORE]
23 Myrtle Beach, SC USA | January 9, 2016
I’m definitely over 18 now, but when I first discovered the internet I kind of just searched ‘diaper’ on the old aol and was introduced to the glorious dpf.com and of course deeker.com (which, at the time, I didn’t know was a total creeper site). This was absolutely ground breaking for me! I realized that i wasn’t the only one in this world that had this interest… [READ MORE]
Iker Nash
29 Mexico City Mexico | September 7, 2020
I was 20 when I rediscover the abdl community on Tumblr, I remember the first tumblr I follow as mostly crotch pics of diapers and everyone hiding his faces, but as the time goes by some littles started to take more regression pics and I was amazed to see how they enjoy that part of his life so freely, I remember getting super excited when I see the first pics of Tomkat and Capcon.
It became one of my biggest dreams to go to an abdl convention and be able to enjoy with others, I have reach my dreams this year and it was an awesome experience, so awesome that I decided to do the first abdl camp here in Mexico! It will happen in a few weeks with all the necessary sanitary precautions, wish me the best of lucks as I am planning to do it every year!
Inky Wonky
58 Salem Oregon USA | May 4, 2012
As was mentioned above the first time I used the internet I used the newsgroups back then to access anything to do with diapers, including stories and pictures. Later I found DPF website there and was a way of connecting with others and other websites. Some of those included: Deeker.
I got involved with many a yahoo groups that focused on diapers and adult baby's and relationships. Eventually as years went by, I discovered dl-boys.net,ABY.com and Rupadded. Deeker was a good way to read stories others submitted by those who wrote them. I also learned about many support groups, like ADISC where there was a mix of ab/tb/dl and focused more on discussion than anything else. Other sites include: diaperspace, ABKingdom, ABDL University, Daily Diaper Boards and Chats, Baby Matt's Diaper Page, Diaper Hangout, ABDL Pixel, BBIF E Mail Lists for discussion, The Gidrah, ABDL Stories Forum, Wetter's Magazine, Adult Baby Stories, UnderstandingInfantillism.org and many other sites.
Eventually I learned of diaperbois and DL Boys as well as Fetlife.com. Blogs have been a way of connecting with others as well. [READ MORE]
26 Chicago Illinois USA | July 19, 2018
I actually first went online looking for legitimate forums for other kids my age who were bedwetters. I think I was like 15 at the time. During that search, I stumbled upon Diaper-Bois.com and that’s when I truly realized my desire to wear diapers and age play.
This was during the “Renaissance of ABDL Websites”. ABY had just been taken down, so I never had a chance to experience it. Shortly after finding D-Bois, I also made accounts on RU-Padded, Diaper Space and ABDLC.
FetLife came years after that.
Today. I mostly use my tumblr, D-Bois, FetLife and the private Facebook groups. I was originally DiaperBri3 on all of the sites.
Jonathan “Jon” Johnny
25 Greenwood Lake, NY | October 20, 2020
I was 22 when I found out about adult diapers. I looked it up on google to find baby printed ones for adults and discovered ABU. Then I went from buying diapers and little clothes to opening up some social media, I have a Fetlife account I post on sometimes and have a Twitter for my cub/baby fursona. • Do your interests involve a subset of this community, such as babyfurs, diaper disciplinarians, wet/messy, sissybabies etc.? Please tell us about it. I won't even try to be specific here; just tell us what you think people should know. -I am definitely a furry, and I feel like it's from all the animal movies I watched as a kid. I have a husky fursona! I'm also into wetting, and messing too, tho it's kinda hard to mess while still living with family.
23 St. Louis MO USA | December 6, 2018
I found pictures on tumblr while surfing, didnt know how to react at first then remembered that i had a few leftovers from my bedwetting days since i didnt stop til 12 (health reason again) just decided to try one dayand really liked the feel of it. i didnt se it as annoying anymore like those earlier years. [READ MORE]
26 Saint Louis MO USA | February 1, 2019
I discovered there were more people like me around 13 when We first got the internet. I remember finding Deeker and Plastic-diapers.net but I know now that those sites were probably run by petophiles. It felt great to finaly have a croud to fall into and I wasn't such a freak. [READ MORE]
19 Wisconsin, USA | September 12, 2020
So I tried very hard to not interact with this community until I was 18, I am not going to lie it did not work. I did some dumb things and really I regret it very much. Diaper.Bois is one I found by chance. I read stories from Zity.biz and SoFurry. I found some artwork on youtube and other sites that I cannot recall. I found myself on tumblr and then twitter stalking my favorite people. Honestly the things you can do through the internet are crazy nowadays. My parents had the foresight to take away my internet for a bit so I mean I could not get into trouble for a while. So I guess I was lucky enough to not make bigger mistakes…
19 Atlanta GA USA | December 7, 2018
I discovered this part of my lifestyle within the earlier years of my life, but I never acted on much of any of it until I did become 18. Within the time of me becoming of age, I kept things to myself because I had no one to share this newly found lifestyle since I didn’t even know how to entertain the idea of me sharing it to the world. [READ MORE]
Chuck aka LittleBoyC
23 Kansas | December 13, 2014
I discovered this lifestyle/fetish probably around 14 or 15. Then with the help of some tbdl forums I got the help and friendship I was looking for. I joined real abdl sites when I turned 18 and that helped me find others near me to talk to and become friends with! [READ MORE]
21 Richmond, VA | November 13, 2020
Oh goodness do I feel a large amount of shame about the age I discovered ABDL social media, I was 10 years old! I first discovered abdl content on the image hosting site “photo bucket” of all places! I quickly discovered abdl tumblr and lerked for years, at one point I actually made a ABDL Instagram that was short lived (thank god) before Instagram deleted me for my age and content. The site that ultimately helped me accept myself was Tumblr, the sea of ABDL pioneers helped me feel less alone and definitely helped me stop feeling so crazy about wanting to act like a baby all the time! Tumblr would actually lead me to Cwis’s site and I would actually eventually try to use it to convince my mother that I wasn’t insane!
“The site that ultimately helped me accept myself was Tumblr, the sea of ABDL pioneers helped me feel less alone and definitely helped me stop feeling so crazy about wanting to act like a baby all the time! Tumblr would actually lead me to Cwis’s site and I would actually eventually try to use it to convince my mother that I wasn’t insane!”
Littleguyau - 35
Melbourne, Victoria Australia | November 4, 2018
Early on, I found wetset, newsgroups (alt.sex.fetish.diapers), IRC, Deeker, DPF, big baby's home page, and a few others. Fortunately, I don't think there was too much time that I dwelled on thinking I might be alone in this. [READ MORE]
Little Joshy
20 Suburban Philadelphia, PA USA | January 5, 2016
Like most guys my age I found a certain story website that shall not be named. I found it a few months before it was shut down. I remember being mad it was shut down at the time but looking back I wish it was shut down sooner because of how creepy it was. I eventually found various abdl forums that I lurked on but never posted anything. I didn't start talking with the community til this past year when i joined reddit's abdl sub and started my tumblr. [READ MORE]
28 Southeast England | March 7, 2019
It was like a wave of acceptance/relief. Washing over all my worried about being weird or being different. There were sites I joined and spoke to a few people and I was the happiest little around haha. Seeing and speaking to people doing what I was doing and doing even more than I could. It was awesome. [READ MORE]
21 Ohio USA | January 17, 2017
I think I was 16 or 17 when I discovered diaper sites like when I discovered diaper boys and girls like me on tumblr or diaperbois. Tumblr, youtube, and diaperbois was a big one that helped me. And some diaper friends my age at the time have showed me or let me try on the abdl diapers. [READ MORE]
22 Virginia USA | February 6, 2013
I found adult diapers online to purchase when I was about twelve.. but I was about fourteen before I found the abdl community. My first experience was on DPF and at the time I thought it was the greatest site ever because there were chat rooms for teenagers that were just like me. I met some awesome people on there and one of which I'm still friends with even now. Also back then, I was fond of Deeker being clueless to the many bad implications of that site. [READ MORE]
33 Colorado Springs CO USA | November 15, 2016
I was around 14, I went online and just searched for "diapers" after a few pages of results I stumbled across DPF, I remember that was the first thing I saw regarding AB/DL's, went thru all the other pages they linked to but the only one I really remember is DPF. [READ MORE]
London UK | November 26, 2012
I hit the Internet a LOT after I was sent home in my (wet) nappy. I had a few spare, so I was sat in them while finding groups and sites. Once I found a few other sites, I realised I wasn't so extreme and began shopping for onesies and all-in-ones (sleepwear for use in the house while padding around, I sleep either naked or more recently nappied) so that I could wear more.
So I think the sites (such as yours) explaining how people came to be AB/DL really helped keep my head in the right place. [READ MORE]
26 Rochester NY USA | July 8, 2018
DPF was my first encounter with this community on the internet. I was probably 11 or 12 at the time. I remember being enthralled with everything it offered, specifically the chat room. In retrospect, though, there were some real creeps in there... [READ MORE]
33 Phoenix AZ USA | April 14, 2019
Most of my internet revelations as a teen all had to do with my sexuality. Diapers were not a part of my young internet discoveries.
26 Alabama USA | March 4, 2019
Let's see, I think I first discovered Deeker's Diaper Page when I was middle school. I was somewhere around 11 or 12 year olds when I mussed up the courage to do a google search for 'diaper stories'. I remember being surprised that I actually found anything, as if I was expecting nothing but a bunch of results telling me there was something wrong with me. It was a bit of a surreal experience, actually, discovering this entire community of people like me. It was these earlier experiences of reading stories and sightings and simply knowing that I wasn't alone that eventually helped me accept my little side. It also caused some trouble because as a kid I wasn't the most tech-savvy and at times I got caught with incriminating material in my search history. That was mortifying to say the least and caused a few big fights. Everything has its ups and downs, I suppose. I will say that I wish I had found better outlets earlier on as the one's I found were mostly sexual and I find that I most enjoy reading about and seeing other's experiences. [READ MORE]
27 New Orleans LA USA | June 3, 2018
X-tube was definitely the first place I ever came across other people sexually into diapers and it was a huge relief honestly, thank GOD I am not the only one haha. I later came across the ever growing community on tumblr, and while being a member publicly is recent, it has been my security blanket in a way for years. [READ MORE]
Pup Artemis
27 San Fransisco CA USA | October 16, 2018
I remember browsing tumblr and thinking “aww what cute kids I just wanna take care of them all”. And sometimes the thoughts would get naughtier but generally it was all these paternal feelings for wanting to care for others. And then when I discovered puppy play the diapers just slotted neatly into my personality. I’m a big strong Alpha dog. But I have a soft gentle side and wanna be cuddles and held and changed by my Alpha or handler. It all just meshed well. My strongest memory is also the first ABDL I ever met in person. I was on grindr (in rural Texas not an easy thing) and started chatting with a guy because I liked his Starcraft tattoo. At one point I was asking how he slept and he said “like a wet rock” and I was like huh? And he sent me a photo of him diapered. And suddenly my mind just went 28495030 miles an hour because I finally had met an ABDL and he lived nearby. We hung out and I diapered him and he eventually diapered me. [READ MORE]
25 New York, NY USA | August 2, 2018
I was 13 when I discovered, and sites like ABY and Gay Diaper Hangout existed. But, I didn’t become part of the community until I was 19 And sites like RuPadded and D-Bois existed. Unfortunately RuPadded is no longer, but I think we somewhat older community have paved the way for the younger community members to find that they aren’t alone with sites like Tumblr or IG and even Facebook. [READ MORE]
21 San Antonio TX USA | April 22, 2012
Deeker, dl-boys.net, and rupadded, at first I just used Deeker to do research and learn more about diapers. Started using it like when I was 13-14. Then when I was 16 I started using dl-boys.net...
After that got old and creeper vill I went to rupadded when I was 19 but I kept on deleting my pics for the same reason old creepers. Thats the thing older men in their 40-60s think we younger boys need a daddy and want to be treated like babies and live with them.. Somebody of RUP asked me that once I was like no thanks..
Now I mainly use Fetlife.com. [READ MORE]
Paul Rulof aka RuleOfThree
33 Chicago IL USA | May 22, 2013
When I was 18, I think that one of the first sites that I discovered was an ageplay site called "Little Girl Lost." This site was about a girl who enjoyed exploring different ages. It just clicked with me. Other diaper bondage sites were hot too. [READ MORE]
24 Destin, FL USA | February 3, 2019
The discovery of deeker diaper boys which would later become a different website which I don’t remember the name of was absolutely critical to me embracing the lifestyle of being an abdl. That was at about age 12 I’d say. Along the same time Backstreet Boys were a big thing. From there it expanded and I found MySpace which back in the day was the first huge social media platform for diaper boys like I was. Around 16 or 17 I started with craigslist trying to find other boys into what I was but that didn’t work to well. I was outed to everyone at my high school and I moved away to keep from the embarrassment. At age 18 or so I got my first phone with the internet and apps. With that came Grindr and a number of gay dating/fetish apps. I found plenty of guys into what I was into but how would I find the right person who I could trust. [READ MORE]
25 Eureka CA USA | September 20, 2012
It was great to know that other people had similar interests to me. I was irritated by the lack of resources available to learn from and by how... off some members of the community are. Almost all of the practical and helpful skills I've picked up have come from the well established BDSM crowd rather than the ABDL crowd. Coming up with helpful resources and advice is one of my goals for this community. People like the folks at the Chicago Ageplay Convention, Penny Barber, and US Littles are moving in the right direction. [READ MORE]
22 Shropshire UK | June 19, 2018
When I discovered the community online, I was around 15/16 and had recently got an internet-capable mobile phone.
I knew better than using the family computer to do my 'research' on ABDL so it was mainly on my phone. I remember such pages as ABDLDADDY on wordpress and Deekers Diaper Page.
The best on was DiaperHangout (formerly GayBabyDiaperHangout) which had so much content it would send me into a frenzy!
Just the fact I wasn't alone in this world was bliss and the content I suddenly had access to was insane.
To think back then, I'd fantasise about being one of those people in those photographs and right now I am makes me wonder why I don't appreciate it more. [READ MORE]
22 Chicago IL USA | February 9, 2019
It was amazing , nerve racking , and relieving at the same Time finding out and learning that there were others just like me. I'm sure everyone can relate. This community is weird for me as it's one where I've always felt so alone but so welcome in a community at the same time. I remember I believe foxtailstimes and abdlstoryforum at at and always reading stuff there at 18. [READ MORE]
26 Philadelphia PA USA | January 29, 2012
The internet was really helpful (except when my parents saw some of my internet history when i was younger). At first i thought i was the only person in the world who wanted to be back in diapers...then i realized there were a whole bunch, and things got a lot easier. I didnt think i was quite so strange or alone and then i started to talk to some people online and found a great community (albeit with a few weirdos). [READ MORE]