Q3: Do your parents and/or siblings know about you and diapers? If so, please share how they reacted.
I've been blogging about what it means to be ABDL for more than a decade. I've conducted a survey with more than 1,500 respondents. I've lead two classes on the subject. So there's some irony in the fact that those who are closest to me in real life still lack a true understanding of this topic.
It's the same for many of us: this isn't a side of ourselves that we actively seek to share with our parents, siblings, and other family members. Some of us keep it a secret from our closest friends - even our significant others.
Still, that doesn't mean that the word doesn't get out. As you'll see as you continue reading below, our answers range from "nobody in my family knows" to "my parents might suspect" to "my parents buy my diapers for me." And just about everything in between.
For many of us, the knowledge of our families that their children never quite outgrew diapers comes about as the result of our poor skills at covering our tracks as children.
That was the situation for me - my parents found my 'stash' a number of times and, at least once, found a story I'd written, a fantasy of sorts involving me, my high school friends, and diapers. They'd made vague inquiries into bedwetting, at first, and even brought up masturbation - I feel guilty even now as I think what they must have found to bring that up. Regardless, they were at some point able to ignore it the subject no longer, and called me into the kitchen for 'the talk'.
"Why diapers???"
I remember struggling to explain, and settling on something that probably came off as "just because" or "I just like them." I didn't lie. I didn't make up stories about bedwetting, or anything of that sort. I just told them "because..." and tried to convey that was really all they needed to know.
They were more open-minded than many parents, I think. Their biggest fear was that someone would one day use my affinity for diapers to blackmail or embarrass me. (This was, of course, in the days before the internet, when normal/boring/vanilla sex was almost all the world knew). I shrugged off that concern, regardless, explaining that I wasn't embarrassed about it
They were also afraid that my compulsion to wear would limit the relationships, or even friendships, I'd be able to have one day. That, too, I wasn't particularly concerned with. As an adolescent I viewed myself as every other adolescent does, probably: fearless, invincible even. They were talking about things I shouldn't have to think about until I was an adult. I just wanted to wear diapers to bed and go about my life. And I'm sure I told them that, as well.
Unlike many of the ABDLs I've met who were required to go to counseling, or worse, my parents didn't press the issue for long. I remember them asking if I would go to counseling, to which I replied an emphatic "no". And they asked if I would stop wearing - also a "no". The conversation lasted an hour or so, and I remember them growing frustrated and finally giving up.
"If you're going to write about them, at least learn to spell the word 'diaper' correctly," my father had said. I'd been spelling it d-i-a-p-a-r... whoops. That would be our last conversation on the subject. The last thing they'd say is that they were sure it was a phase, and that I would outgrow it.
Ironic that decades later I write one of the foremost blogs about diapers. They were so, so wrong about it being a phase.
Still, they don't know how right they were about my compulsion to wear limiting relationships, even friendships.
How many times have I been invited to go out to clubs with my vanilla friends only to decline so I could spend a night at home as 'Little Cwis'? Too many.
And how many near-miss relationships did I have growing up that went nowhere because the person interested in me just wasn't into, or could never hope to understand, ABDL? Also too many.
Still, I think back to that conversation at the kitchen table and wish I knew then what I've discovered in the years since. My blog celebrated its millionth page view last year, and is now in its tenth year. And many of the best friends I could ever hope to make - including several who they have met - I am only friends with because of a shared love for diapers.
I want to share with them how Benjamin, whose European travel pictures I often show them and who's travel tips they've used on more than one occasion, is my 'little brother' because of diapers.
Or how Tyson, who came to spend a week with me on my boat, only achieved that same status because of diapers.
How Z and Ry, who my boat neighbors have gotten to know about ask them about - I think they think we're all just one big family lol - are diaper friends who've visited the boat.
How Josh, who came to help at an event, wasn't lying when he told them he met me through 'mutual friends' - just not the friends they assumed, friends from the event.
I want to make sure that they know that so many of the people I am closest with, the people who many of my happiest stories revolve around, have one major thing in common with me: a love for, and an unwillingness to give up, Pampers.
These days I wear regularly around my family. While it's not something we openly discuss, they can undoubtedly smell the baby powder - my mother recently asked me what I think about the Johnson & Johnson lawsuit currently going on. I know they can sometimes hear the crinkle. And I caught a look of surprise once when I reached up to get something off a higher shelf and my shirt rode up, revealing a Crinklz Astronaut peeking up from out of my waistband.
My family, like just about everyone else in my personal life, understands that to love me is to accept that I am probably going to be padded.
I remember one other thing about the conversation at the table that day: I remember my parents questioning whether anything they did could have caused this.
Whether something they did, in the potty training stages or later, could have lead to this fetish, this affinity, this compulsion.
I think that may be what drives me to try to figure out 'what makes us tick'. Because I don't know the answer to that question - and for their sake, and my own sake, and the sake of the guilt-ridden, shame-filled ABDLs who'll come up after me, I would really like to know.
So a special thank you to every member of the community who has taken the time to answer a Q&A. I know that these questions are very personal, and answering them can be difficult. I appreciate each of you, and want you to know that.
And thank you, as well, to everyone who has taken one of my surveys (the What Makes Us Tick Survey, in 2010, and/or the WhyABDL Survey in 2018). Your answers, and the correspondence so many of you sent surrounding my most recent survey, have helped me gain a much greater understanding into why we are the way we are.
I hope as you read through the answers below, and on the subsequent pages, you'll find the same.
24, New York USA & Italy | March 14, 2018
I’m convinced that my dad knows to some degree. I’ve never talked about being AB/DL with either of my parents, but I believe on a few occasions in high school my dad found me having fallen asleep with my laptop still open to one of the old AB/DL social networking sites. He once made a comment along the lines of, “you should really close your laptop before going to sleep.” My dad is an interesting character though as he’s admitted to me as being bisexual and has over the past few years briefly shared his experiences with me experimenting with different kinks when he was younger. He has also taken note of my collection of footie pajamas and dress shirt style rompers when a few years ago we did a cross-country train trip. As is normal behavior for me, I was already planning to wear my footie pajamas around the lounge in the morning and to the dining car for breakfast, so he decided to surprise me with his own “#1 Dad” footie pajamas that he bought for himself to wear on the train. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cringe at the idea of wearing what I considered as low-key AB/DL clothes in public with my own father. But it ended up being super fun not just for us, but for everyone else on the train watching a father and son just being super extra on a slightly boozy cross country trip. To this day it’s my favorite memory I have with my dad.
I’m super lucky to have probably one of the world’s most accepting dads. We’re super close about everything and talk a lot even while I’m traveling far away from home. Because he grew up in a time where being anything but a straight married man was unacceptable, he’s made it very clear to me that he wants us to be as open about our lives as I’m comfortable with. I’ve thought about sharing with him how I’m part of this big awesome community and how it frames a lot of the relationships I’m in. I hate having to tell him about this awesome AB/DL friend of mine and frame it with some fictitious story about us meeting through mutual friends or whatever. As being an AB/DL becomes a bigger part of my life I think I want to at least briefly bring it up to him some day but I think I’ll continue to save that conversation for a later time. [READ MORE]
23 New Hampshire USA | April 4, 2018
I have a sneaking suspicion that my great aunt knows that i still like to wear diapers and stuff. By the time i moved to live with her I've been through a heck of a lot of stuff emotionally and physically. she rescued me and took me in when i was 15. At that time I still had some diapers hidden in my travel bag from when i bought them a year before at the store. when we were moving me into her place she saw one took it out and looked me right in the face and said “jesse what is this? Are you regressing??” her concerned tone scared me and I was already humiliated by her finding it to begin with. What the heck was regressing? Why was she so concerned? I told her idk why that's there and i've never seen it before in my life. This was the first time i ever lied to her, I am a god awful liar. She just looked at me awhile and then went to the bin and threw away the last of the diapers i had been hoarding for a year and a bit. That was the end of my diaper shenanigans until I was almost 18 and moved to my own apartment. But I believe she knew more about me than I did. She never mentioned it again. [READ MORE]
Little Skywalker
23 San Francisco CA USA | April 2, 2018
My parents have found my diapers before, nothing much had been said of it. Other than why are they they there: “Uh, I don’t know” usually was a good enough answer to end the conversation as it was an awkward topic. But it has never been formally brought up or spoken about. [READ MORE]
24, The Netherlands | January 11, 2018
As far as I know: Nope
For about 6 years now I have my own small stock of diapers, hidden somewhere in my room. I have never been confronted about anything, so or they don’t know, or they found it and tolerate it in silence. I used to be pretty paranoia about being discovered, but as I’m getting older I seem to care less. I’d still like to keep it as a secret, but I think I could explain the whole thing… sort of. The world probably won’t come to an end. [READ MORE]
20, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | April 15, 2017
My mother found some things throughout my teenage years but we never really talked about it. Very recently I had a moment one could call 'being caught red-handed'. She brought it up that evening and I decided that I was comfortable enough with the subject and my feelings that I could probably handle the conversation. I started off with making clear that it was something under my control that I did not want input on from her and that I would only tell her if she wanted to know out of genuine interest and not because she was trying to decide whether she approved or not. That took her maybe ten minutes but she finally managed to say she wouldn't try to compile a judgement. I told her all the basics of ABDL and what it meant to people and how the average ABDL teenage life looks. Later that evening she came to my room and told me she was glad we finally got to talk about this and she would like to talk more about it some time. I definitely feel like we got a bit closer that time. I didn't tell her where I was going every other weekend though ^^ I figured that was a bit risky and was NOT looking to get into an argument every time I had an ABDL party. Maybe some day, though. [READ MORE]
21, Pacific Northwest USA | March 4, 2017
Well, my family knew something was up. I'd chase my brothers around, pin them down and put a diaper on them, always got caught stealing because I'd get greedy and take too many. My behavior was mostly dismissed as weird, but once I hit puberty, I really started to raise eyebrows. It wasn't ever really talked about, only when I got caught, thankfully. I'd get embarrassed even watching commercials with diapers in them near family. Well, it's roughly a decade later since any of my family has an incident with me, so I'm inclined to believe those memories are tucked away in the corners of their mind. [READ MORE]
San Diego, CA USA | March 11, 2019
They have because I wanted to be honest with them, and in return it was some of the most hateful shit ive ever had to deal with, every day because of their “offensive” mannerisms there was a point where I cut all communications with them for 5 years in my mid 20s, I needed to find myself, I was living 24.7 I had great roommates one of whom was also diapered, and I loved him to no end, His wife I didn’t really get on with that well. But he was one of the first major folks outside of daddy I wish I was able to love and see how that went. Now that ive had the ablations of the nerves in my back, the injections, and the paralysis over the last year of parts of my feet that have made me start falling over, or tripping on stuff I try and consiciously avoid. They are apart of my life, thick ones too, in this way I will have no futher attempts to hide it. Now that im older, and have my daddy, I called him daddy in front of my mom. She made the comment “Well you were always into that it makes sense” she also has seen my crib when we moved into this apartment a few weeks ago. Its been an interesting time of growth in my relationship with her, and her not caring about my diapers as they are just one part of the health issues, that are never getting better. So now shes kinda cool with it and there are days im just in pj bottoms, and head up to her place. But I try and keep the little stuff away from her, no footies, no onesies unless they are under other shirts. Etc. This way its not her business to know, I don’t need to deal with her drama about it, or anything that comes out of her mouth about anything I do to cope with life. [READ MORE]
19, Grand Haven, MI USA | April 25, 2013
My parents found my stash once a few years ago. To say they were upset would be an understatement. I lost all computer/electronics privileges and was practically under 24/7 surveillance for months. Now they think I am “over it”. [READ MORE]
Baby Eddie
40, Glens Falls, NY USA | April 21, 2012
Yes, my mom found out and confronted me about it. I told her I like the way they feel and they help me to relax after a hard day. She never said another word. other than ‘I hope you dont think I am going to buy diapers for you.’[READ MORE]
Baby L
Midwest USA | May 1, 2012
A tough one to think about, after living out of the house so long but yes, my parents know - Ill say knew, and tell you why. I got a little out of hand with my stash, and it was becoming hard to hide. One day I came home after school and my mom was home cleaning out my closet. Wow was I scared to death! On my bed was a bag of Secure Plus, that she had found. She immediately asked where I had gotten them, I instinctively lied and told her Walgreens, luckily only we AB/DLs know the true availability in stores. She asked why and I couldn't answer, but also has found pictures I has printed off from the Internet. Whoops! Long story short, my parents sent me to therapy. I made it to one appointment, was disgusted and never went back. They continued to pay until I left for college, some 3 years later. Its never been brought up again, Im sure they've assumed I'm healed. [READ MORE]
26, Jonesborough, Tennessee USA | September 9, 2017
My Twin Brother and my Fiancee knows. I started this journey and found out my brother was into them later on. My parents caught us one time. We were trying out Pampers in our room and dad walks in and there I am standing pulling up my PJs and he wanted to know what we were doing. We said nothing of course and he didn't believe it. Upon further inspection he found the Pamper I had tried to put on. I tried to explain to him and mom even using the Youtube Video Sin City-Adult Baby I had found so amazing. It did not go over well with either of them for me or my brother. Dad and Mom took all the diaper stuff they found and they went in the trash. They thought we just would stop and that's where we both left it with Mom and Dad. As we got older we don't wear much together unless we have diapered friends over or something. He's more AB then I am. I think I'm more DL but also love it when I'm changed and put in diapers. Anyway, several years later I started dating this amazing woman who is in a few months going to be my wife. It got serious really fast and I just had that feeling I was going to marry her. 6 months in I knew I needed to tell her. It kinda felt like a pass or fail for me to win her approval. I was very nervous and had several diapered friends backing me and giving me advice. I got up the nerve to tell her and we discussed it. She didn't know what it was about or what it was, but she wanted to find out. She always had an open mind through it all. I remember her words where kinda like I don't know what that is but I want to see you in one. I did and it was kind awkward the first few times but since then she has wore some with me. We have even gotten to the point where she wants to put me in them and have even discussed me wearing if not all the time but every night to bed. Being put in them by her of course when she can. Also her wearing when she can with me. [READ MORE]
22 Colorado Springs, CO USA | February 11, 2019
No, my parents don’t not know and I do not want to find out how they would respond haha. However, one of my sisters does know. We were having a conversation about kinks, I know it’s a weird conversation between brother and sister, but hey, we are pretty close. It was pretty awkward telling her at first, but she seemed unfazed by it. She was cool about it and we have talked a little about it since then, mostly asking question as she is exploring her own little space. [READ MORE]
31 Los Angeles CA USA | September 25, 2018
My parents both found out when I was 14-15 and ordered diapers using one of their credit cards and they checked the statement. They were both pretty confused, but honestly more upset that I had taken their credit card than about the diapers. I had come out as gay around the same time, so I think they just chalked it up to something I would grow out of. I’d say a few months later, I printed out one of the TBDL guides from the internet and left it on the kitchen counter one night for my mom to find the next morning along with a letter. I explained TBDL a bit, what it was, and asked her if she would buy me diapers. I was always a pretty good kid. I think she understood that there were way worse things I could be into, and diapers aren’t exactly dangerous. She bought me goodnites a few times over the years, usually I’d leave her a note or something for her to find in the morning, and she’d buy them with a sigh and an eyeroll. I think the last time either of my parents actively KNEW anything about my ABDL life was back when I left for college. I used to keep diapers in a suitcase in my closet, and when I moved out my mom was helping move some stuff into boxes and casually asked me what I wanted to do with my “Stuff”. It was embarrassing, but i’ve always had a good relationship with my parents, so I was lucky in that respect. [READ MORE]
Joshy aka ChooChooBaby
33 Buffalo, NY USA | July 2, 2015
Yes / No. My parents and I were discussing someone who had some kinks and I told them that there is nothing wrong with them as long as they don't hurt anyone. I told them even if I have some and they responded that they knew about mine and then asked me if I would answer honestly if they said what it was. They said the word "baby" and I just nodded my head and said yes. There was no more discussion about it and that response was all I needed from them regarding it. I do not know how much they know about it, but I'm guessing they at least know about the diapers which I'm thinking they found in my room when I lived with them. [READ MORE]
23 Wichita KS USA | February 23, 2019
My parents are aware about not only my diapers, but also my entire AB side. I was going through some internal rough times, so I decided to tell them so I wouldn’t have to try and lie to them about the large packages I was going to be receiving (I’m a bad liar). I gave them a long document that explained everything, and even took inspiration from the Understanding Infantilism site. They reacted fairly well, and even make jokes about it sometimes. They are also aware of my daddy, and welcomed him to the family. They even come over for dinner sometimes, and our house is AB-ified. I’m pretty open about it. [READ MORE]
23 Dallas, TX USA | December 2, 2015
My parents do, and one of my aunt had her suspicions. I got "caught" for the first time at 13 thanks to crappy dial up internet and my inability to clear google search history! Plus...I had unworn "stolen" diapers under my mattress that got found during cleaning. They brushed it off as a curiosity and we've never really talked about it since. [READ MORE]
25 Indianapolis, IN USA | October 26, 2018
Both of my parents know. It is kind of a weird story. My old Dell burned down so I was using my parents' desktop while I saved money to build my own. I was on aby.com when I got called in for emergency work at the high school. I was in the tech department for drama and emergency calls for electrical or set piece issues were not uncommon. It would be another three hours until my parents came home, so I drove to school and back. Somehow, in the 25 minutes that I was gone, BOTH of my parents came home and discovered my ABY profile open on their computer. I'm not sure which they took harder, me identifying as DL or me identifying as gay. They sent me to a psychologist for the whole summer before my senior year of high school before the psychologist finally convinced them to stop wasting their money because I was incredibly stable and healthy. Unfortunately he was not able to convince them that they were the problem, not me. They'd threaten to tell my sister to get me to do what they wanted and make a huge scene if I accidentally left any ABDL items in a place where they could see them. It got bad enough that I arranged to stay with a friend through the summer after freshman year of college because I wasn't welcome at home. They eventually realized they were losing their son and snapped out of it, but those were easily the darkest years of my life. [READ MORE]
28 Brooklyn NY USA | April 19, 2012
When I was in high school, I got involved in some bad stuff, as a result I had to go away for a little bit. When that happened my parents cleaned my room from top to bottom and found a stash of diaper pictures from my online exploits and friends. It was mostly jerk off fodder for a horny 16 year old but as you can imagine my parents kinda spazzed. They thought there was something seriously wrong with me and sent me to therapy. I never really talked with my therapist about it, i just stonewalled them. It felt so strange to have someone forcing you to talk about this aspect of my life. After a few years I think my parents forgot about it, they haven't mentioned it since. [READ MORE]
30 Dallas TX USA | August 25, 2012
Hell no! Diapers are a fetish for me and informing anyone in my family about it would be like inviting them to watch what I do during sex. For me, it's a bit creepy to even consider the prospect.
That being said, I can't imagine my parents don't know that I sometimes wore diapers to bed, or even around the house. My mom has a super sensitive nose after all, and I'm sure I couldn't keep the covers off of me during the entire night. My parents are the type to notice but not say anything. [READ MORE]
18 Westminster MD USA | November 10, 2012
My parents both know about my interest in diapers, but my dad knows more than my mom since I tend to confide in him more since he has more control over his emotions and is much more understanding than my mother.
My parents first found out when my dad was rooting through my drawers under my bed to find some toys for a younger cousin to play with. I thought they were going to be safe there since nobody ever used those drawers for anything besides storing old toys. Later that night he sat me down and we talked about it like mature adults THANK GOD!
He was curious, confused, and concerned. I told him it was nothing and that it was just a phase I was going through, and at the time I believed it too so my argument was fairly convincing. I kept the last of the pack and used them very sparingly. Amazingly I was able to make them last a very long time before the pack ran empty.
Once senior year rolled around and I understood why I was into diapers and knew I wasn’t crazy, I brought it up again to him during a car ride telling him that diapers had resurfaced and it was a sexual fetish. I pretty much was straightforward and honest with him. The same way when I told him that I was a furry. He thought I should consider seeing a therapist to just talk about it, but I didn’t feel the need to tell a therapist about what I keep behind closed doors and have come to terms with. [READ MORE]
53 Ottawa Ontario Canada | January 17, 2016
Mom and Dad both knew about it. They found my “stash” under my mattress when mom went to “flip” the mattress. (I never knew they did that!) The told me that they found a few items of mine and placed them in a bag in the back room for me to go through. Nothing else was ever said. [READ MORE
Dan aka Growing-boysXL
22 Leesburg, Virginia USA | May 28, 2017
As mentioned before, I had several weird experiences when I was a kid. One time when I was 7 I actually found some of my old pull-ups in our bathroom and started wearing them occasionally when my parents didn’t know. I would wear them to church, to friend’s houses, stuff like that. An interesting story ended up coming out of this pull-up era. One time ended up being a bit interesting, in that I wore it to a church function on a Wednesday night. I ended up wetting it, and it leaked, which was kind of embarrassing. The worst part though was my parents weren’t there and I ended up getting taken to the church nursery and changed on the changing table, and put into an actual diaper. Since my pants were wet I actually ended up having to wait there for my parents in just a diaper. And no, that’s not fictional, that actually happened to me. lol Another time I was able to satisfy my craving was when I was 12 at my buddy’s house. They had just moved, and my best friend’s younger brother was about 8 at the time. Unbeknownst to me, he was a bed wetter, and while exploring the house, i found a pack of boys goodnites. I knew I had to have them, but didn’t know how. So I ended up taking them to the bathroom and putting one on. However, my shorts were pretty loose (It was 2007 and cargo shorts were in) so I figured I could get away with more. Long story short, by putting them on over each other one by one I was able to waddle off with pretty much an entire pack of goodnites on. Do your parents and/or siblings know about you and diapers? If so, please explain how, and how they reacted? My parents have known about it since I was pretty much 10. They’re religious so it hit them hard, especially finding out I was gay. This led to me spending years trying to purge it from my life. [READ MORE]
ImaginationOfABoy aka Baby Xander
20 Traveling the USA | December 26, 2015
The day after I stole all those diapers from my babysitter 17 years ago, my mom did the "mom" thing and grabbed my booty during a hug. Bus. Ted. This was the first of many times in my life where my parents caught me with them. They, well, weren't the happiest campers about it. When middle school rolled around, I was sent to a battery of psychiatrists, psychologists, family and school counselors, and pastors/priests. Funny thing, however; I was able to convince most of them (with the exception of the religious zealots) that I should wear them, that it's not hurting anyone, and they tried to convince my parents to let me! Of course, this angered my parents, because they were supposed to "fix" me, instead of encourage me, so they (my parents) would just send me to a different psych, calling the formers loonies or stupid. It has been a war, but after I was kicked out for being gay, I got the last, comfy, crinkly laugh. [READ MORE]
Inky Wonky
58 Salem Oregon USA | May 4, 2012
Eventually they did find out, at least my dad, mom and my brother.
One time when I hadn't completed my chore of washing the supper evening meal dishes, I had gone to bed with the intention of wearing my makeshift diaper and Gerber vinyl Toddler Pants. My dad was upset that the dishes weren't done, so came into my bedroom, that I shared with my brother at the time. He grabbed my blankets and sheet demanding I get up that instant, while I held on for dear life to prevent my diapers and vinyl pants of being revealed. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful in keeping myself covered and my dad was definitely in shock to see me dressed for bed that way. Not a lot was said, although he wasn't too happy about me, and told me I should not do that. I got up, got dressed and put the diaper and vinyl pants in my hiding place – in the box springs of my bed.
Another time I had gone into the bathroom I had gotten my diapers and vinyl pants on and was going to wear them underneath my clothes for the day. My brother came in from being outside, or something and needed to use the bathroom. He was suspicious and was familiar with how to unlock the bathroom door so he could get me out of there. I hadn't had a chance to get my pants on overtop of the diapers so when he opened the door saw me standing there with my diaper and vinyl pants on. I was embarrassed and he was shocked, told me I should stop doing this, I left the bathroom, took the diapers off and placed them in my hiding place and got dressed. Nothing more was ever said.
A third time was when I was about 16 years old. I had found I could purchase these Vinyl Incontinent pants with a flannel lining with an additional snap in liner from Sears and/or Ward's catalogue. I had started working at a cannery during the summers and found a way to order one for my own. I received it in the mail about a week later. Fortunately the I, my mom and sister slept during the day as we worked on the graveyard shift, so while everyone else was either at work or sleeping, went out and picked up my package. I had worn them off and on for several months, even worn it to Summer football practice one time. I made the mistake of leaving my soiled incontinent pants and pad in the closet. My mom one day had decided to do some laundry. She found the soiled incontinent pants had brought them out while I had been at school during the school year. She had laid them out for me to see what she found and confronted me with it. She pointed out that she had known about what I was doing and it concerned her about my behavior of doing this. She didn't have a clear answer what to do and was dead set against taking me in for counseling. but told me that I needed to make up my own mind what to do. She was not happy with me doing it and had hoped I would take the necessary steps to stop it. I did throw the pants away and stopped for awhile, but later I found myself wanting to continue wearing diapers. [READ MORE]
26 Chicago Illinois USA | July 19, 2018
My parents found my diaper stashes a few times over the years. The conversation always ended with the understanding that I was experiencing some bed wetting again and they would leave me be after some time. Though there was this one time when my mom really wanted to figure out why I was 15, almost 16 and still wetting my bed on occasion. She set up a doctor’s appointment and to everyone’s surprise……they couldn’t find anything wrong with me. My doctor just suggested that I keep wearing protection until it stopped. (WIN!) [READ MORE]
22 Austin Texas USA | February 9, 2013
Once I had the guts to admit to myself that I was nothing more than a little bitty baby desperately trying to stay a little baby, I naturally wanted to share it with other people. I did tell a few select really close friends at the time, and even one of my girlfriends who didn’t seem all that interested, nor opposed. However, it wasn’t long after this that I worked up the courage to write a letter to my parents (namely, my stepmother, who was more understanding and less spiritual than my dad was at the time) explaining that I had figured this part of myself out all on my own, and not to be alarmed, that I would keep it to myself. Unfortunately, this piqued their concern more than quelled it, and I was remanded to the Millwood hospital in Arlington TX (read some of the Google reviews about the place and you’ll understand--) for “correction” for about 6 months before the mental physician assigned to me declared me mentally healthy, and I was able to leave of my own volition. [READ MORE]
24 Toronto Ontario Canada | October 25, 2012
You know, I’ve always been very open about my sexual and erotic interests (I consider diapers more an erotic experience). While not realizing that two men having sex and cruising each other was labeled by mainstream society as ‘gay’ when I was young, I’ve always been attracted to other men. That is not to say I’m not attracted to women, it’s just…less of an attraction. Again, I’ve been very open with my family and friends about my homosexual desires. However, diapers… I have closed it off from my family. Sure, they have found them in my room before, but I usually shrugged it off as a Halloween costume. Yet, my friends and my boyfriend know. I sort of make it a point. They have all been very open about it and most people treat it as if it’s not a big deal. It’s like an added bonus, like an inside joke, you know? [READ MORE]
19 Wisconsin, USA | September 12, 2020
Oofta I cringe about this, I have gotten caught a few times. The first time was when I was 14. It was winter. I just received a new phone and had been spending an awful amount of time on it. My mother one night asked me what I was doing and I was reading a diaper story on zity.biz. I quickly went out of safari and played dumb saying subway surfers or something. However, I did not realize about browser history. I think you can figure out what happened. Parents confronted me about those stories I was reading. I honestly do not know what I said to defend myself, all I remember was my safari was disabled and I was not able to go into the internet for a while. I was 15/16 when I got caught the second time. I found tumblr and started to find myself on there, I snooped the abdl’s on tumblr, in the beginning staying as an anonymous user for a little bit. As I started to become accustomed to tumblr I made an account and started just re-blogging content and just talking about my day. Nothing really exciting. Soon after, I found the age regression community and started to interact with their user base. I felt like I belonged there. I talked to others around my age and felt as if I could call some of them my friends. My dad found my tumblr. He wanted to go onto my phone for whatever reason and I let him and what do you know a notification popped up while he was on it. So of course he clicked on it and saw my profile and all that jazz. GOD I wanted to die. He talked to me minimally about it just asked what I was doing and whether it was healthy. I said it made me happy. It made me feel as if the world was a less scary place. He left it at that. He thought it was a phase The last and hopefully final time was when I was 16 I was close to turning 17, it was spring. I think what brought about this one, was someone died at our school and then someone committed suicide so the whole school was mourning and just being generally depressed. Now I did not know either of the people well but the emotions of everyone else got to me and I was not doing well emotionally or physically. I do not recall well what brought them to snooping around, all I know was they asked if I should go to therapy and whether the diapers and onesies and pacifier was again healthy or productive for me. I denied that I needed therapy, I was just sad and that those things just helped me cope. My dad looked up online and kinda said to me, “if this is not dangerous for you and if this helps that’s fine, just know as you grow up, how are you going to keep doing this if you have a wife or kids?
“I do not recall well what brought them to snooping around, all I know was they asked if I should go to therapy and whether the diapers and onesies and pacifier was again healthy or productive for me. I denied that I needed therapy, I was just sad and that those things just helped me cope. My dad looked up online and kinda said to me, “if this is not dangerous for you and if this helps that’s fine, just know as you grow up, how are you going to keep doing this if you have a wife or kids?”
Kita Sparkles
June 5, 2018
Yes. I told my mother once after I lost a job because of it, and it did not go well so I never brought it up again. To this day I wish I hadn't. My brother knows because he is also AB. [READ MORE]
26 Saint Louis MO USA | February 1, 2019
I came out as a DL to my parents around 6th grade and they were supportive but made me see a therapist. Prior to that they have found my stash that I stole from relitives a number of times. [READ MORE]
Chuck aka LittleBoyC
23 Kansas | December 13, 2014
I know about twice my mom has found some "things" and I would make up excuses for it and such. After awhile I just knew how to hid things better. :p [READ MORE]
21 Richmond, VA | November 13, 2020
Unfortunately, all of my family knows about my diapers and most of them know about my little side. My mother was suspicious when I ordered free samples of goodnites, however I was able to chock this up to my constant accidents and bed wetting. She had other ideas unfortunately she took the samples from me and instead purchased a cold, noisy and uncomfortable plastic sheet to “solve” my problems. I eventually found other ways to find diapers of course and unfortunately for me I was not very good at hiding it, my mother thought I was disturbed. Her biggest concern was that I was a “gay” or a pedophile. I would continue to buy diapers and when I turned 16 I started buying abdl diapers (QTTY rawr diapers to be exact), this would enrage her. She would find them in my hiding spots and trash them all. I would dumpster dive for the, this only worked for a short amount of time before she started destroying them before tossing them out. One of my father’s neighbors caught me lounging about outside my father’s home in just a goodnite once and informed my father, he was more confused than anything. When I eventually made it out of my mother’s home, I ended up living with my father at the age of 18 until I was 20, he was aware of my abdl shenanigans, but he never said anything I assume out of respect since I was technically an adult and it was my own money.
35 Melbourne, Victoria Australia | November 4, 2018
I have an inkling they were aware (when I still lived at home), if they believe I still do it, we don't discuss it / they haven't ever mentioned it. [READ MORE]
Little Joshy
20 Suburban Philadelphia, PA USA | January 5, 2016
My parents knew that I was interested in them from me not knowing how to delete internet search history. They talked to me about it asking me if I was having problems with incontinence I was hiding, I told them I wasn't. I'm pretty sure they never knew I was wearing or found my stash. They were never really too intrusive searching through my stuff. [READ MORE]
21 Ohio USA | January 17, 2017
My parents know and it was super embarrassing. They found out like last year. They were cleaning my room one day was unexpected. I came home from work and I saw the door open to my closet and im like "oh no they probably saw my diaper stash" but i pretended like maybe they didn't see. It was a that point I saw my dad folding my onesies.Im like oh no they probably know now. After all the cleaning. My mom then asked "why do you have 2 packs of diapers in your closet?". Im like idk. My mom was like "are you wetting the bed again? " Im like no. So it was no use I had to come clean. I told them that it makes me feel little and that wearing diapers sometimes is a stress reliever (which it is). My mom was like "oh ok, we just wanted to know why you had them but we love you no matter what. My dad suggested that if I wanted to see someone to see why im into it I could. Im like no im good. My mom said "well id rather have my boy in diapers then taking drugs". Im like in my head "omg my mom didnt just say that". Made me blush a lot. [READ MORE]
22 Virginia USA | February 6, 2013
They all knew when I was a teenager because my supplies were discovered in my room. I used to keep my room locked and then one day my birth mother went into my room for something and saw them. She never really pushed the issue or anything and I was never really given too much of a problem. When I was seventeen, I did go through a year long purge where I got rid of everything I owned and made sure that I told everyone who knew about it that I just outgrew it. I no longer speak or have contact with my birth mother, but I do have someone that I call mom and has more or less adopted me (outside the ABDL spectrum) and she is aware of my AB side and is more than okay with it. She sees it as something that I need in order to cope with life. [READ MORE]
26 Anaheim CA USA | January 12, 2016
Well yes and no. It was a complicated story.
Unfortunately my parents were not the type to accept drama or something abnormal into their life. I manage to come out to them as gay but only after telling them a very convincing lie.
As a disclaimer, I don’t suggest anyone do what I did when it comes to telling your family. It is a big regret of mine for doing this, and you jump thru a lot of hoops.
After my 1st year of college, I wore a lot more diapees around the campus and even more dorms.
Now for the first year, I was living by myself in the dorm on campus; I had tons of time to wear and be “me.” During the summer, I had to move in with a random college student in a different dorm; yet I decided that I would come out to him as being “diaper dependent.” So after lying to him about being “urinary incontinent” I wore around the campus and in the room with him. Now this guy was super friendly and he was very receptive and open-minded; he didn’t laugh at me or say negatives about me wearing, and we became friends for a while. But later during the summer, I realized that I had to return home for the last 5 weeks of summer and I wouldn’t be able to be “myself.” So I got very sad one night and my roommate found me.
He asked what the matter is, and I told him that I never told my parents about “my incontinence” and that I was scared of what they would say or do if they found out. He reassured me that it would be okay and that I should see if my sib would be of some support. After calming down, I realized that I could talk to my brother to see if he would be supportive in this topic.
In the end I told my brother the same lie I told my roommate to get him to believe that I was “incontinent” and that I had not told anyone. My brother told me he would help me tell our parents and I cried a bit; though it was a lie, it was the first time I felt like I could be honest about everything including my AB side towards my brother. When I told my parents, they were in shock and they didn’t believe me at first until I showed them my diapee I had on. Again I regaled in the story of how I became incontinent and how I wore diapers to stop having accidents around my bed and during the day.
At first I was happy because I could wear all the time and everyone thought it was just my natural state. I changed into a diaper every day and wore one every night; my parents even bought me some on the hush hush. But I was also asked to see my doctor. I told my doctor the lie; he believed it as urinary incontinent and prescribed pills (I never took them). Weeks went by and test after test the doctors couldn’t find a cause; worst test was catheter test *shivers*. After that test, I saw what my one lie was doing to my parents; they were arguments over how they would afford test after test, my mom not liking the fact their son was in diapers again, and the stress carried over to the rest of the house as they heard the fighting. So I thought about it for a while and decided that the lie went way to out of hand.
So the next doctor visit, I claimed the pills worked and there was no need for the diapers. It felt a lot better to come clean about not having a fake condition while there are those who truly have it, and I didn’t feel right lying to my parents about something that really makes me happy. No one should have to lie in order to be happy. So my parents asked for the next couple months if my “issues” had been okay and I said that everything was fine. But meanwhile, I was happy to wear without my family knowing. I wore everyday almost while in college, and I never felt the need again to tell my parents.
Today if they ever found out them, I would be upfront about my AB side and my diaper love because I know that it is something to be ashamed about and I have a loving Daddy and AB family that loves me for being true myself. However it is on a “need to know” basis, so I don’t think they will find out till I go 24/7. [READ MORE]
33 Colorado Springs CO USA | November 15, 2016
My parents were never nosy or went thru my things when I was younger so I never expected them to open my mail but when I was in school they opened a box that came for me, I'm guessing because it said something about "medical" supplies on the box. Afterwards they searched my room and found my stash of diapers, plastic pacts, pacifiers, baby bottles etc, thankfully they didn't think/know how to look on my computer. They confronted me when I came back from school and there was a huge fight, they tried to send me to a therapist because they thought I had some sort of mental problem but I refused to go. After what seemed like months of avoiding and not speaking to each other we finally started talking again and it was never brought up again. My younger sister also knows but never said anything or made an big deal over it. [READ MORE]
London UK | November 26, 2012
Nope. Not yet. It'll come in due course. They didn't cope well (parents) with me coming out - although my siblings wouldn't give a damn :) [READ MORE]
UK | August 16, 2014
The only family member who still knows about my nappy wearing is my Mum. She has known for longer than I realised but last year, we had a talk about it. Unfortunately we had a family bereavement and whilst sat at hers, she asked me about it. It came totally out of the blue, she asked if I had any secrets or things I thought she should know about. I denied anything, and then she said, “So why are you still wearing a nappy to bed?” Turns out she had been into the guest room whilst I was asleep, saw me lying on the bed in a nappy a few months earlier. She asked if she could see a nappy, and then I showed her, and showed her me wearing one. We laughed and joked about it and it went amazingly well. The only stipulation she had was that I didn’t flaunt it around her. [READ MORE]
26 Rochester NY USA | July 8, 2018
There were never any explicit conversations about why, but my parents found diapers and other paraphernalia multiple times when I was in high school. Most of the time, they'd awkwardly mention what they found and ask me if I was alright (suggesting they thought or hoped I had these things for a medical necessity), but typically left it at that. It was rarely spoken of, and, if it was, it was when I'd have an angst-ridden fight with my mom. She'd mention the diapers as a way to shut me up, which, to her credit, usually worked. [READ MORE
26 Alabama USA | March 4, 2019
I was caught, or almost caught, a few times when I was younger. My dad found diaper-related stories on my computer. My step-mom found a wet diaper wrapped up in a plastic bag that I'd stashed away in a corner of my closet until I could discreetly dispose of it. My mom once came into my room to wake me up and nearly pulled my covers off of me while I was wearing nothing but a pull-up. I don't think anyone in my family actually knows, though. It's one of those things that seems to have been forgotten as a childhood phase because I got better at covering my tracks as I got older. [READ MORE]
33 Phoenix AZ USA | April 14, 2019
Nope - and I intend to keep it that way. As a married adult now, it's simply none of my family's business. Only a handful of close kink-positive or ABDL friends know, and that's enough for me.
27 New Orleans LA USA | June 3, 2018
When I was 16, I got caught up with a rough crowd and got caught with drugs by my parents. This lead to them going through every inch of my room while I was at school one day. They proceeded to find diapers and notes that I had been passing in school to my best friend at the time that had conversations about me seeing another guy (I was not out at the time). It was a huge ordeal as I was in no way ready for them to find out that I was gay, but they confronted me with everything in a pretty disgusting manner in my opinion. They started bringing me to a counselor that thankfully helped them come to terms that me being homosexual was normal, however, he made me feel as though me liking diapers was this abysmal thing that I had to stop immediately and never think about again, which has had serious negative outcomes for me. Long story short, they do not think I still wear as far as I know. I am fairly sure my little brothers have an idea, but they wont say anything. [READ MORE]
24 Fort Collins CO USA | March 24, 2016
Not a single person in my family knows about this. [READ MORE]
Pup Artemis
27 San Fransisco CA USA | October 16, 2018
Mom knows from Facebook. She checks in on my puppy Facebook from time to time. She does not really talk about it and neither do I. My little sister knows because we tell each other everything but it’s mostly a don’t ask don’t tell situation now. [READ MORE]
25 New York, NY USA | August 2, 2018
Well it wasn’t a good experience, but yes recently this year while I was visiting my parents found out. I had diapers in my drawer because I was visiting for a while before I moved back to NY. Well, my mom went snooping for some reason and he explanation for snooping was because she smelled something from my room. Maybe it was the baby powder. Well she started having a “panic attack” and telling my brothers and my dad meanwhile I’m out with friends. Well I come home to my brothers telling me they defended me saying to my parents “that he’s a grown adult and it’s his business”. My parents then wanted to have a conversation, and I shut down conversation down really quick. Let’s just say they know better to not bring it up because it’s none of their business. [READ MORE]
18 San Diego, CA USA | August 18, 2012
My whole family pretty much knows about me wearing diapers. When i was about 12 or so i had summed up the courage to tell my mom that i actually enjoyed wearing them. She kinda just told me that if it makes me happy she didn't really care. After that she let me wear em whenever i wanted to and would even change me whenever i needed it. But she also made a point of embarrassing me a little in front of my friends when they would come over. All my friends knew about me wearing them, they kind of had to if i was going to have any kind of a social life lol… But my mom would change me even if my friends were over, so it was a little embarrassing, but i still enjoyed it. [READ MORE]
Paul Rulof aka RuleOfThree
33 Chicago IL USA | May 22, 2013
Once I released my bookAgeplay: From Diapers to Diplomas, I told my parents that I had published a book. They were excited, and I pushed the conversation onto other areas, hoping that they would leave it at that. However, after about a year, their nagging got to me. So I sent them a copy to read. My father admitted that he didn’t understand it and then dropped the issue. My mother wanted me to ask questions, likely if the way that I am was her “fault” for how she raised me, but I wasn’t interested in engaging with her about that. [READ MORE]
23 North Carolina | May 21, 2012
My parents knew when I was younger. In fact there is one particular incident that I remember quite clearly that caused me to transition into a period without diapers. My father had confronted me about dressing up dolls in diapers and treating them like babies. From the tone in his voice, I knew he thought what I was doing was weird. He then proceeded to ask me if I wanted to put in a dress and be treated like a girl because his logic was that only girls play with dolls. I told him no and I stopped playing with and thinking of diapers for years. My mother knew about my love for diapers because I used to steal diapers from my younger brother. She, however, never really confronted me about. I do think she found what I like to be strange.
I am not sure that my parents know that I have gotten back into diapers recently. [READ MORE]
24 Destin, FL USA | February 3, 2019
I was around maybe 16 or so and and I came home from work one day and my mom had them on the table. So she asked me why I had them and I told her it was because I was still bed wetting. She didn’t seem like she agreed because she thought I was using them to sniff aerosols or something. I never did know what she truly thought. So later on I was about 20 and I came home from work and I saw my diapers were in the trash. I had a used one in a bag in my closet I meant to throw away but forgot. She asked me and I simply told her that I liked to wear them to bed. She agreed and kinda shrug it off. Never had to deal with my dad finding out that would have been horrible. [READ MORE]
28 Austin TX USA | February 9, 2019
I remember my dad finding a pack of diapers when I was 14. He absolutely freaked out and sent me to a physiologist. From then on he would do random room checks, which just meant I had to get better at hiding them. I remember hiding them behind the speaker of a sub-woofer in my room. [READ MORE]
25 Eureka CA USA | September 20, 2012
My mother and little brother know about my fetish. The mom through cleaning my room on the wron day and finding some supplies and my little brother from going through my laptop. In both cases I explained the emotional bits first, and earned their acceptance. [READ MORE]
22 Shropshire UK | June 19, 2018
I've never confessed this to my family. Although my parents did find out once, after they'd seen the internet history of what I'd been looking at during the summer holidays. It's safe to say my Dad didn't react very well - and I'm not going to go into detail about what happened but I was made to feel very ashamed of what I'd done and was told never to do it again. Oh, and they also thought I was a paedophile. My parents didn't understand at all but I played this off by claiming I was seeking help for bedwetting and discovered this amazing community. My Dad was having none of it and my mum never said anything about it. As the years rolled by, it was forgotten in time and I assume my parents put it down to being a phase as I've never heard anything from them since on the subject. [READ MORE]
22 Chicago IL USA | February 9, 2019
My parents weren't very support of my bedwetting called it being lazy sadly and never did the research about it being a medical condition. So I felt like I could never they'll them about my AB/DL side and don't think it would be right to tell them at this point. [READ MORE]
24 Wales UK | May 8, 2015
I have been caught by my parents a couple of times, with disastrous consequences. As far as they are concerned, it's no longer an issue for me. My sister probably knows, she seems to be in the know, but she's never played it against me, so I try not to worry about her. [READ MORE]
40s South Africa | September 30, 2012
W t f are you crazy ? South Africans are very conservative and traditional. Most women over a certain age won’t admit to know what a blow job is, let alone ever consider giving one. When I grew it was a scandal for anyone to kiss who wasn’t married. During much of my early years the shops closed at noon on a Saturday and nothing besides a corner café was allowed to open until Monday morning. There was ONE movie a week on TV and that was on a Saturday night. South Africa had one national broadcaster for jonks. Two nights a week there were television programmes on in English and anything adult was kept for after nine pm when my generation had no chance of watching it. At best we only heard gossip about mature show. Back in those days a raunchy picture of woman was one in which she was wearing a long sleeve blouse and a skirt down to her ankles. There was one magazine called Scope that photographs of ladies in their underwear and bikinis. Sometimes you would see a photograph of a topless woman but she would ALWAYS have stars over her nipples. The only way to get adult magazines and porn movies was to buy them overseas and smuggle them through customs at the airport. So back to your question, when I was growing up my step father said he would kill any of his sons who even considered wearing a pink shirt. We were not allowed to mention the term in GAY in any sense even if we meant as being gay or happy. It would have gotten us killed. My Mom once told me that if any of her uncles had ever been suspected of being gay he would have met with an accident. And it would be the kind of accident where there were no get well cards and the police politely looked the other way without asking too many questions. To put that in terms of where most South Africa adult babies, diaper loves and guys with a diaper fetish are today, that is most likely what will happen to any of us who get caught. A convenient fatal accident. To date there only about sixteen South African on all the diaper websites. Of all the people I have ever known only two guys have shown their faces on the internet. Part of who I am is a teaser. Needless to say when I told a guy I had turned into an adult baby to check the local birth announcements of the SA papers he almost had a heart attack but I would never dare do it. I have babied a few guys and wish to set the record straight. Despite what a certain brainless, one ball wonder has said about me on diaper-bois I have never told anyone’s parents that they have a diaper fetish or are an adult baby. It just isn’t my style. I respect guys in the community way too much to anything like that. If I like a boy and get to know him I may tease him about his folks finding out but there is a fine line between teasing someone and them knowing it and actually being a big enough bitch to cause some grief. So one ball wonder, you know who you are and the reason your Mom found out your wear diapers is because you are not the sharpest tool in the shed and using her employees PCs to visit the diaper websites and not knowing how to remove your tracks is plain stupid. Don’t blame other people like me. [READ MORE]