Q1: When did you first realize you were ABDL?
I'll never forget the moment that I realized I was ABDL.
I was a little kid, and the internet didn't exist yet, so I certainly didn't know what those four letters together meant. But I knew that I loved wearing diapers. That part was always clear to me.
I think my moment of realization came when my brother had a realization of his own: that he was too big for diapers.
Traitor! LOL.
We were a struggling family, and we lived out in the country, in an 1800s-era farmhouse my parents had purchased with the intent of fixing it up over the years. It was the kind of place that was freezing cold during the winter, and hot as fuck during the summer. And the day I realized I was into diapers in a weird way was one of the hottest days on record.
My mother had allowed my brother and I to spend much of the summer playing around the house in our Underoos. We mostly played superhero - I was Batman, and he was Superman. But this lead to so many debates about which hero was stronger. And that, of course, lead to skirmishes, which lead to someone winding up with bruises or a bruised ego, and that same person crying to Mom.
I don't remember exactly how the suggestion came up, but I think my mother may have gotten tired of hearing the Batman v. Superman argument and tossed some cloth diapers in our direction. Or maybe I just subconsciously went and found them on my own - I really don't remember. What I do remember was how amazing it felt, my brother and I running around in thick Birdseye diapers. It felt right. I felt like I belonged in them. My brother looked adorable, and I was sure that I did too. Even my Mom had a laugh. For the rest of the day - and, if my memory serves me correctly, a few days afterward - cloth diapers and plastic pants were the Great Equalizer. There was no bickering, only bonding.
And then, out of nowhere, my brother announced that he was going back to Underoos.
"NO!" my mother and I probably shouted in unison. She was dreading more fighting - and I was dreading going back to age appropriate undergarments.
"I could just wear the diapers, and he can wear Underoos," I offered. This would become a theme of my later ABDL fantasies - the last in the family to be out of diapers. But my brother remarked how odd it would be to have his older brother in diapers when he himself was not. And my mother came in on his side - we really shouldn't still be in diapers, she told us.
I was crushed.
I remember thinking that my brother and my mother were probably having the normal reaction - and that I should probably be having it too. I suddenly felt ashamed of wanting to stay in diapers so badly - and yet, as my mother packed them away and returned our Underoos to us, I caught myself eyeing her intently to see where they were being put away.
My brother caught it too, and made a remark about it. My face turned a shade of red. My mother noticed, and I remember a look of concern on her face as she remarked that I really, really didn't want my father to find out I was still wearing diapers.
My understanding of 'ABDL' would come much later - and, really, over many years.
But that day was the moment that I understood that I had a strong - overpowering, even - desire to return to being diaper
25, New York USA & Italy | March 14, 2018
I have a very distinct memory when I was 6-7 years old of having a movie night/sleepover with my best friend at the time. Up to this point, bedwetting had become fairly infrequent, so much that I had stopped wearing pull-ups. The pull-ups and the bedwetting were also up to that point something I noticed no interest in, and actually hated/was very embarrassed about. The night of this sleepover something suddenly turned over in my head when I noticed that my best friend was wearing one of the 90’s era plain white Goodnites. I remember being totally unable to look away from it, and just completely obsessed that someone my age was still wearing a diaper that looked like it was actually designed to fit him. By this time my little sister was about two years old and diapers were still in steady supply at home. As I was unable to stop thinking about my best friend still wearing diapers, curiosity got the best of me and I finally started wearing my little sister’s diapers for probably a few weeks until my mom caught on. The incredibly humiliating conversation that followed just went along the lines of “do you need these,” to which I was adamant I didn’t. Though it wouldn’t be too long after that the obsessive diaper thoughts would return. [READ MORE - PDF]
Baby Sidekick
23 New Hampshire USA | April 4, 2018
I first encountered abdl when I was 17, after many years of just assuming that I liked diapers for a sexual reasons ,I found the motherload of abdl stuff on tumblr. At the time I figured hey, I have my own place, i'm going to go on the internet looking for pictures of diapered guys… if it makes my penis hard that means i like it for that right? I soon found that wasn't the case when i stumbled upon tumblr. What I found was the key to the secret door hidden away inside me that i didn't even know was there. Inside was the truth and finally for that moment some answers to what made me tick. I had always been somewhat of a big child i always wanted the toys at the stores even at the age of 17, I couldn't resist going to the toy stores and just looking at them all wishing to own them…..I played with the ones i did have and to this day my room is inhabited by many action figures, posters, stuffies and games and comics. But seeing these people in diapers, without a care, surrounded by their plushies and blankies sucking on pacifiers and bottles brought me to the reality that this wasn't sex and that this was the way i wanted and needed to live.
It brought me back to when my step mother used to make fun of me for sleeping like a superhero in my batman pajamas laying with fists clenched and my arms and legs positioned as if i was leaping off the ground to fly into battle.Yes diapers are involved but they're more of a safety and convenience item. kind of symbol of identity for me as an abdl, i mean if I can't control my bladder then, I shouldn't be in control of a lot of things right? An abdl relationship is such a sweet and intimate relationship, where age doesn't matter and its okay to like to crawl around or sit at chairs on your knees watching cartoons or even to get excited about silly things ….you truly get to be yourself. If you're lucky enough to have Someone who is also into abdl and is willing to make sure you schedule your appointments or just helping you get through all the other anxiety inducing things that seem just to big and daunting to do alone, and also just there to to make you feel like the light in their world is the dream….. Also making sure you won't be leaking all over the place… that's what abdl is for me. when i found abdl I finally had some answers to who I was. Since then i've made my own tumblr been to diaper bois and fetlife as well, But mainly keep to tumblr. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
“I soon found that wasn’t the case when i stumbled upon Tumblr. What I found was the key to the secret door hidden away inside me that I didn’t even know was there. Inside was the truth and finally, for that moment, some answers...”
Little Skywalker
23 San Francisco California USA | April 2, 2018
I probably realized it when I hit puberty as most do. But I genuinely remember being back in preschool, and trying to steal diapers from the other kids that were still in them. One of my best friends at the time was still in pull-ups, and I vividly remember one day making a secret plan to switch my underroos with him. Sadly, I can’t remember if it happened, but most likely not. But its safe to say that as soon as I got out of diapers, I was rearing to get back in. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
24, The Netherlands | January 11, 2018
Well, I’ve always felt a certain attraction towards diapers. Even in my oldest memories (when I was 3 years old or something), I remember having dreams in which diapers played a significant role. For a pretty long time I slept with these cuddle cloth thingies, like babies do. I remember putting those in my pajama pants to simulate the feeling of a diaper. It just felt comfy and somehow made me feel more secure, like someone is watching over me. I think that was all pretty innocent.
But meanwhile I was getting older. Every time my grandparents saw me, they gave me compliments about how I was growing taller. I went to elementary school where being ‘the older & taller one’ is what really makes you cool. The word ‘baby’ is like the number one curse word used among toddlers.
So this is where it started to get a bit conflicting for me. I still felt attraction towards diapers and loved the idea of being a baby, but slowly it became more and more clear that that was not a normal thing to desire. I felt like I had to oppress these feelings and just be ‘normal’ like everyone else. I succeeded pretty well in this for a couple of years. But then slowly the next phase started. My body was getting more mature (I was like the 2nd one in my school class to have underarm hair). And with these bodily developments, my fascination for diapers suddenly got to a whole new level. Diapers become something I craved for. I was really one of those ‘stare out of the window for the whole day’ kids. I remember having this little game in which I tried to portray all my classmates in my head, one by one, while they were wearing nothing but a diaper. Especially imagining some of the boys from my class in nothing but a diaper could be rather exciting or even… arousing. I was around 9-10 years old in this phase. This was definitely the moment my fetish was ‘knocking on the door’. I wasn’t sleeping with my cuddle cloth thingies anymore, I was a grownup after all… right? But the urge to simulate the feeling of a diaper was so strong that around the age of 12, I started to experiment with household stuff (buying diapers was out of the question for me). With some toilet paper/paper towels, shopping bags/garbage bags, I was able to create some pretty cool stuff that definitely looked and felt like a diaper. On those very spare ‘home alone moments’, I would actually use them for their intended purpose while standing in the bathtub. And oh my god, this felt so awesome, the best feeling ever, rubbing it feels really nice… (you can guess what eventually happens). And there I am, standing in a bathtub while wearing this ridiculous diaper. I must look like an idiot. Normal people don’t do this. I’m weird. I’m an embarrassment to my parents. What would other people think of me? I hate myself… Every time I was going for the same ride on this emotional rollercoaster. From full ecstasy to fully self-hatred. And just one day I suddenly thought: “There are 6 billion people living on this planet, would I really be the only one?” I typed in some words on Google, and a new world opened for me. I wasn’t the only one. So I think I have been an ABDL as long as I can remember, but I was about 12 years old when I found out about ‘ABDL’ being a thing. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
20, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | April 15, 2017
I can't tell you the exact moment, because I don't think I had one. I remember having a really exciting dream involving diapers when I was pretty young (probably 4-6 years old) but I don't remember being very surprised by it, so they must have already snuck their way into my thoughts before that. At some point during primary school I remember Googling the subject of my thoughts and apparently having formulated that well enough to immediately find a website all about ABDL (more specifically 'infantilism', I think). It felt so wrong and weird I slipped into some sort of denial and I brought up the subject to some of my friends in a sort of "haha look at these weird people" manner. Pretty quickly I realized it was too embarrassing to even talk about and I stopped bringing it up, ever. Later on, still believing that I was not one of those weird people the websites talked about, my mother and I (read: my mother) made a costume of one of my favorite fictional characters and I managed to convince both myself and her that this character wore diapers, and thus, I spent a couple of nerve-racking afternoons with a folded towel in place of underwear hidden securely (probably not too reliably) under my costume. There must have been more steps along this way that I can't remember right now but the final step in acceptance and thus realization of me being one of those weird people from the websites may have been the moment I made an account on an ABDL forum when I was 14 years old. That's not to say that I accepted myself that way - it just means I no longer had any doubt about it. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
21, Pacific Northwest USA | March 4, 2017
From a very young age, I've had an affinity for diapers.
My earliest memories are from when I was 4-5 when I still had night time accidents. I clearly remember my father telling me that I was out of pull-ups, so I had to wear one of my baby brother's diapers. He even tried fastening the tapes as to make the diaper look like a pull-up, but I was smarter than that. Of course, me wanting to be a big boy, I refused to wear one, and went to bed. To my surprise, I woke up with a wet diaper on, and proudly pranced around my brother's room saying “ Look at me, I'm a baby like you guys!”
At age 12 or so, I started reading diaper stories off of deeker, which really solidified my love for diapers. I found a label to put on my interest, ABDL, and with the power of the internet, knew there were more like me. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
San Diego CA USA | March 11, 2019
When I was 9, in 1994 I saw the goodnights for boys commercial. I had to teach myself to sleep at night with my legs closed because if I didn’t I would wet my pants or bed at any time growing up, I had to try this. Until I was able to go 24/7 after my back injury and I lost what little control for the day time I could muster, and had to wear at night. The reason I find it interesting is because I used diapers for their needed capacity, I needed to try and find whatever would make it so I don’t have to wake up cold and wet. My parents at the time wanted me to be cold and wet because they thought I was making it all up.
Then I found dpf. I used to go through the spider link search thing, to find vangoos pictures, and the stories on deekers site. I used to go and read all of those wishing that it was my life. Wishing I was able to be diapered, and how I wanted to not grow up. I knew when I was little I didn’t want to be out of diapers or give up my baby things. I asked my parents for a new baby blankey one year for Christmas since the one I had since I was a kid I didn’t want to ruin any further. (years later I found one in perfect condition, so I have always had it in my bed since.) but I went through the lies, the smugglings, and the saying it was for sexual purposes, or saying it was cause I was doing it on purpose, which ever the manipulations or accusations my parents had chosen for the flavor of the week. It was pretty much a world of not fun. Because of those issues I really had a bunch of issues growing up. Just before high school I went to a summer camp for a month, and was in a diaper all the time the nurse was nice enough to go into town and pick up a pack of them for me, so I wouldn’t run out at camp. It was funny cause all the beds and stuff had plastic sheets. Anyway through growing up, ive never stopped watching the cartoons, trying to finish the series that I forgot or got to distracted to try and see. I always had development problems including the teachers coming to our house to work with me for hours after school trying to learn maths, and how language works, and English protocols for grammar. Which as you can see I still really suck at.
But for me, it wasn’t until I was through all of my shit, I needed safety. That’s when I tried to get a big brother, a daddy, or a partner through the diaperbois.net, and then diaper-boys.com (when it was the under 18 group cause I grew up on these sites making friends, talking about dreams, and wants etc). I have gotten to live with some amazing men, who are also little boys. They are my fondest memories, and even though my social problems, and issues have kept me from making long term friends that I can keep hold of, they are what got me through all sorts of shit. Then I went on fetlife, looking to make friends when I moved to San Diego, then about a year after when I was deleting my fetlife, I found my daddy. For the last nearly 5 years he has been helping me express myself through my baby side. I have a bunch of digestive, mobility, and other issues which pretty much makes it so im super hard on myself because of the stress, pain, and other issues relating with communications to my family. So because of my daddy, these last 5 years has let me have my big brother champ, allowed me to get my crib to sleep in every night. It’s a safety of expressive life, I am a little. I grew up being a little and into diapers, being regressed helps with my pain issues, and if Im medicated to the point of not being able to verbalize words really well daddy hasn’t minded as much. That’s why ive made the choice to live as deeply as possible, because its been the only thing that has kept me safe, allowed me to find love of friends, daddy, and champ! As well as our extended leather family. Instead of being used for sex as a fetish for someone to jerk off to, and then no relationships. Its been an odd life, and its taken a lot of mistakes to get there but I am super happy that ive had this dedication to make myself to the fullness of what my life can handle become the little I never wanted to stop being. I always said when I was a kid why do I have to stop watching the cartoons I love? The movies like yogi bear and the spruce goose, or hocus pocus are some of the earliest times I remember watching movies with friends. Through being an ab I have always been able to retreat into myself, into my little space at the end of the day when all of it is done, I can curl up with my pooh bear, toothless, another plushies to just connect to them as I always have. I don’t think I was ever out of a diaper more than 6 month stretch here and there in my entire life.
So I always find it an interesting thing, because I didn’t really become an ab, ive always been one, from knowing I was interested in humiliations, and interested in knowning why I liked them, knowing why I wanted them. Getting yelled at by my parents for stealing them from friends with little sisters, or from the grocery stores. It was bad one night I had enough of not having any, so I conspired to go through the longest hike to hide my diapers, but I went to the store and bought a pack, and then ended up being back at the house by the cops at 3 in the morning because I had snuck out. So that caused all sorts of drama. But that also made me fess up to my folks about wanting to be little. To stay little, but that invited all sorts of problems that I had to get over with daddy, and some of my friends over the years to help me with that crap. So the persuit of my little self, the stuff I used to go through to try and have a moment of little time, that’s what I wanted more then anything, now that I have it, it’s the best version of me. Where I can still love, still have an adventurous nature, and have the chance to experience life through the lens of being little.
With that being said its been kind of hard these last few years, while ive had my family, ive also had a ton of crippling pain from my back, and the meds make it hard for me to function, With my digestive problems that have always occurred, and have been a nightmare trying to eat. I am finding that as I take on the steamed veggies, the gluten free cerals I eat dry, fruits, and lots of juices and teas that again, the fact is not lost on me how much of a baby I have become again, and this time, its because these are things that are just about the only things im able to do, and to function enough to be able to do. What I had wanted so bad when I was a boy, growing up, and then having the disability where it forces me to only have the amount of stamina of endurance as a little baby, I am an adult…but I am also very much the baby who never grew up. The little that never wanted to give up his teddy but had them thrown out, time and time again. The fight to be myself, is now the best expression I can be. I am thankful to my daddy, my big brother champ, and other wonderful folks in the community who have helped me come to terms with myself. But for me, I never stopped wanting to be a baby. Now it seems I am one, how much more little I wish I was? Oh as far as daddy and champ would let me, because for me its easier this way, but I do not wish it to be difficult on them, and all their hard efforts. I am happy as a little, its brought me fullness, and love. The only thing I wish I could have changed is that I didn’t have to ever go through the process of being forced to try and change this side of me. But with my family now, I can be me. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
William, aka ALittleRobotKid
New Jersey, USA | January 6, 2015
The term ABDL I didn't learn until the internet was accessible. I had known from a very early age that I liked being the youngest of any group. I thought of myself as everyone's youngest friend/brother. The diaper thing started for me during potty training and I can remember it clearly. They wanted me to conform and I wanted my diaper back. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
19, Grand Haven, MI USA | April 25, 2013
It was a gradual thing. I started off by sucking my thumb as an escape from my daily life. Then I decided I wanted a pacifier because it would be better than thumb sucking. When I went to buy my pacifier, I saw the adult diaper aisle and I wanted to get them too but I didn’t have enough money on me at the time so I just got my pacifiers and went home. Every time my family went to the store after that I always looked at the adult diapers as we walked pass the aisles. Finally, I worked up the courage to bike to the pharmacy and bought myself a package of Depends pull-ups. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
28 France | April 1, 2012
When I was 17, I met a Diaper Lover on Internet. We love wet and mess in your pants and he has talk to me about ABDL in France and the rest of the world. I was very surprise and I wear, wet, and messy my first nappy when I was 18. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
Baby Mickey
25, Oregon USA | May 23, 2012
When I first realized that I liked diapers I didn't know what ABDL was or that it even existed. I don't really remember being in diapers but I remember when I wore pull-ups and how much I loved them. Then I got potty-trained :( and there went my nice comfy padding. I then remember when I was about 6 or 7 I was at a babysitters who watched several kids of different ages. I remember looking at the kids and wishing I knew how their diapers felt. I was sad that I didn't remember anymore. And then I would look at the kids who were younger then me and think how lucky they were that they had been out of diapers for less time then me and how I wish I were them since then maybe I could remember what a diaper felt like. When I was 10 my mom and I went to stay for a weekend at her Aunt's house in southern Oregon. My great-aunt and her husband had built this awesome house that was like a duplex but instead of being side by side one family was on the ground floor and one family was on the top floor. My great-aunt and uncle were on the bottom floor and their son and his family were on the top. My mom's cousin and his wife had two sons, one who was 8 at the time, and the other was 5. The 8 year old, we'll call him Bob, wet the bed so his parents had him in Goodnites. We'll we had a slumber-party in Bob's room that night and I found out about them. I thought this was the coolest thing since I had always wanted to wear diapers again. I started asking him about them and he gave me one. We both went to bed that night wearing them. When we got up in the morning I was wet, I couldn't believe it and was actually a little scared at first. We both decided that we were going to keep our Goodnites on all day and even added a couple more to what we were already wearing. We decided we were going to keep them all day and just pee in them whenever we had to go and see who had the most wet one at the end of the day. I ended up getting sick that night so we never got to find out. I still wonder sometimes if he ever turned out to be an AB or DL or if he grew out of it. This was the last time for a few years I would think about diapers. When I was about 14 I thought about diapers again and decided to put on 5 or 6 pairs of my tighty-whities and stand in the shower. I stuffed a bunch of toilet paper in them and peed. I had been holding it in all day so the undies definitely didn't hold near enough. I still didn't know about ABs or DLs or anything of the like. It wasn't until I was 16 that out of thin air I decided to start googling diapers. I used several different search terms, non of which do I remember now, and eventually came upon DPF. At this point I knew I was a DL and it has all been great from there. I bought my first package of Goodnites a week later. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
Baby Spencey
27 South Bend, Indiana - Updated March 17, 2019
I remember being curious about diapers again initially at about 4 years old when a friend mentioned that he still wore them at night and on long car rides and when he went trick or treating. I found myself oddly jealous of him and kind of curious. From there I had a few experiences a couple public wetting accidents growing up and I was also threatened to be put back into diapers by my parents for messing myself one too many times in first grade. Although that never happened, I still wonder what it would’ve been like. But then I found some pull ups in a closet of ours at 11 and tried them on and became hooked on them then at about 14 as stated above I discovered the goodnites forum and after a yahoo search found out that I was a TBDL/ABDL and from there blossomed my great times and friendships developed with this community. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
26, Jonesborough, Tennessee USA | September 9, 2017
I was 16 years old. It was very odd, I was looking for a costume to wear for Halloween for a Halloween trick or treat in my hometown I was helping with. Diapers had been in my life before that I was a bed wetter until like 8 or 9 and remember my parents putting me in pampers up until then.Anyway I was looking for a costume and found this baby outfit at Halloween Express that kinda caught my eye but I didn't go with it. I started Googling Adult Baby Costumes and found this new world of Adult Babies by accident. The Youtube Video Sin City-Adult Baby caught my eye too and I was very interested. I later found some diapers and tried it and was hooked. However I had to sneak around and have up until I moved out and really haven't been 24 7 completely yet but have been exploring it very deeply with my Fiancee. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
29 Monterey, CA USA | April 3, 2015
I never knew what ABDL was until I got internet in my house in the late 90's. I must've been in middle school or high school by the time I discovered someone's 'big baby' page online, with pictures and stories and all kinds of goodies. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
Joshy aka ChooChooBaby
33 Buffalo, NY USA | July 2, 2015
I've always had a thing for diapers since I tried on one of my younger brothers diapers as a child. The safety, softness, and security it gave me when I tried it on stayed with me. Looking back, "babification" always tended to come into playing with my friends with some sort of magic spell or something and I was fascinated by it on TV. I didn't think much of it back then, but thinking about it now, the tendency has always been there. Once I got into middle school/high school, the desires started slipping back into my head and then I started doing searched for it online where I found stories, pictures, and a few stores online that opened up my mind to this world. It wasn't until I was 26 or 27 and moved out onto my own when I started discovering baby clothes and that I wasn't just a DL, but more of an AB as well. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
23 Dallas, TX USA | December 2, 2015
I first realized I was ABDL when I was probably around 7. I remember wanting to wear a diaper again SO BAD since I spent a lot of time in a local day care growing up and was always around younger kids who had to wear them. I hated being told to use the potty and the attention the younger kids still got. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
23 Wichita KS USA | February 23, 2019
I realized I was an AB, or what could’ve been considered a TB around the age of 11. I realized there was a community around that time, however, in hindsight I do recall being into the babyish stuff even before then. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
23 Miami, FL USA | November 9, 2016
Early on in first grade, while no one was home I tried on one of my sister’s pull-ups. When I slid it on, I loved the way it felt. Later in the year I had a tutor for reading. I was a slow reader and still am… My parents got me hooked on phonics. Do they even make that anymore? Anyways I remember wanting my tutor to put me in a diaper and babysit me. She was so hot! I wanted her to be my mommy. I didn’t know it yet, but I was definitely an ABDL. It was many years later when I got a laptop I discovered there were other people like me. The good ole days when the deeker website was around. I miss that site. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
25 Indianapolis, IN USA | October 26, 2018
I remember very vaguely being told that I was at the age where I wouldn't be in diapers and I knew that I didn't want that. Once I was potty trained I still wet the bed and my parents always threatened to put me back in diapers if I didn't stop. I wished that it wouldn't stop but it did. My first experience being back in a diaper again was one Christmas when my sister got a doll and it came with a pack of diapers. I hid behind the couch and stuck one in my underwear. My whole family was in the living room with me. I have no idea how I thought that I was being sneaky. Everyone knew but quickly forgot about it. I forgot about it all until I babysat for the first time. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
Somewhere In Canada | June 7, 2013
I must have been six or seven years old and one day i was watching my brother who was still in diapers at that time get changed by my mom.
Something in my mind just clicked and i really wanted to wear them again. So soon after when i realised i was alone i scooped up one of my brothers pampers from his supply. I remember the feel and smell of it and i was in love. Quickly i got out of my cloths and taped the diaper on me the best i could but it was a little tight. Loved how it looked on me as i stood infront of a nearby mirror. From then on I was hooked. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
Leon, aka DiaperMoxxi
18 Cambridgeshire, England | February 13, 2013
I realised from a pretty young age that I wanted to go back into diapers really. My earliest memory of this was probably being around 6 or 7 and hiding in my mum's toilet when no one was around and fashioning a diaper out out of toilet paper, which by the way, does not make a good diaper at all haha. But even still, I'd tie it up tight and put it under my big boy pants. After I sort of matured a little and gave up on that sort of escapade for the longest time I've had the urge to buy diapers and felt the need to be babied really. For as long as I can remember I've wanted to get diapers but it's only been in the last year or so when I've had money and the confidence enough to actually go out and buy them. Only Drynites though, I'll have to wait till I move out to get really good ones, and I'm looking forward to it. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
28 Brooklyn NY USA | April 19, 2012
It all started at that magical age of 12. The age when most boys start noticing girls, but I just started noticing boys. For some reason I used to love whitey tighties. When we started changing for gym class, it was the first time that I had seen other boys my age in their underwear. It was like hormone overload! It was during a time when lots of boys were wearing boxers, so when I would see the white waist band of some fruit of the looms briefs peeking out over the top of someones jeans, it got me all fired up.
I think there is something about the construction of briefs that mimics a diaper. the way it hugs your body, the color, the softness (i was raised on cloth diapers). This was about the same time I started pissing my pants on purpose. Both of my parents worked so I was often home alone in the afternoon. I would hold it all day long and come home and just let loose in my pants or my underwear. There was something about the release and the warmth that really turned me on. I used to imagine boys from school as bedwetters or pant passers.
When I was 13, our family got the internet and I was first exposed to diaper fetish. It was the thing that I had been building up to for all those years. There was something about the humiliation of ti that really got to me. I think it was the same thing with briefs, like if you were cool you wore boxers, but if you were a mommas boy you wore briefs. When it peeked out of your jeans it was a little indicator to everyone what a little kid you still were. The same thing was true for diapers, it was like a reminder of had no control. That when I started to met other TBs and I haven't looked back since! [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
“I think there is something about the construction of briefs that mimics a diaper. the way it hugs your body, the color, the softness (i was raised on cloth diapers). ”
22 Newmarket on Fergus, County Clare Ireland | February 8, 2012 - FIRST Q&A EVER!
I got Into the ab side of things when I was 18 shortly after my mam passed on. It was when I started looking up diaper stuff online that I came across my 1st abdl community site which was Diaperspace. I set up an account on there and started discovering people who were wearing adult baby clothes and pacifiers and bottles. The more I looked at the pictures the more I wanted to try it so a few months later I ordered a sleeper and a Nuk5 pacifier and it went from there with it.
After I started using the internet more as an adult I basically learnt that there were more people like me out there so I came to the conclusion I was and always will be an ABDL. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
23 Myrtle Beach, SC USA | January 9, 2016
I first realized that i had an obession with diapers and being little when i was about 5 or 6. I would always have dreams of being surrounded by diapers and would feel just like a baby. I also wet the bed until i was about 8 years old but never wore goodnites or anything. [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
30 Hampshire UK | March 20, 2019
Probably about 14, when I started to get unsupervised, unfiltered internet access. I'd had access at school and with parents right there ready to read over my shoulder but suddenly I was free. I think I stumbled upon it through some bed-wetting forums first - I was a bed-wetter and just got less and less common, down to only a few times a year. Almost ironically it stopped as I started getting adult diapers that fitted me and it would have been fine! Then those few nights I wet, I wasn't wearing a diaper! [READ MORE - COMING SOON]
Heisenberg DL
27 New York, NY USA | May 12, 2017
I was definitely a late bloomer, sad to say i was about 22, ahh if only i had done so before then i feel like i missed out on something great now. For me it had a lot to do with the products in particular, i had tried wearing as early as 20 or 21 but those products were given to me due to stomach issues and they were not the best. So i moved on and did the best i could to get by without it but i kinda knew it was there and i had a stomach issue either way so wearing was gonna happen it was just a matter of when. A year or so later i was 22 and i turned to the internet, i might have at one point even just typed in “world's best adult diapers”, and to my surprise i got quite an earful, i mean how were there so many thoughts and opinions about this particular subject. So i ordered what id seen recommended the most and those were what became my choice products. When i got them i remember thinking how good could they be, there adult diapers… but that changed right away, i was wrapped in a soft comfy cloud that would never let go, in my most tender region, and it felt great, i was lucky enough at that point after a fair amount of research to have found the products i use to this day. Still i was a bit ashamed at first to relate it to anything sexual, this however… took no time at all, the anatomy was easy to work with needless to say. Id found what gave me a true release. My abdl life was off and only grew from here on out, and im glad it did
“When I got them i remember thinking, ‘how good could they be, they’re adult diapers’… but that changed right away, I was wrapped in a soft comfy cloud that would never let go, in my most tender region, and it felt great.”
Iker Nash
29 Mexico City Mexico | September 7, 2020
I had always been childish and love cute things, when I had 13 I still love using cartoon underwear and cute socks, I had to admit I was a little bit obsessed with them, I found the abdl community after thanks to a picture of a guy using diapers and that image blow my mind away! Because I found that I can be even more childish using cute printed diapers.
ImaginationOfABoy aka Baby Xander
20 Traveling the USA | December 26, 2015
I have been OBCESSED with diapers, cribs, and generally being little since I was three. I had been out of diapers for about 3 months before I realized that potty training and "being a big boy" was a trap.
26 Chicago Illinois USA |,July 19, 2018
I didn’t stop wetting the bed until my early teens, so diapers and pull ups were always stocked in my closet. I would say that I started to realize that I had an affinity for diapers around age seven or eight. On the occasion that I had a dry morning, I would purposely wet my bed because I was afraid that my diapers would go away if I stopped wetting.
21 Omaha, Nebraska USA | January 15, 2016
Jeez always such a hard question for me it seems. When I first realized I liked diapers was when I was probably 16. Like I knew I liked it, but I didn't want to believe it. So it took me until 2 years ago to finally accept this fetish and really grow with it. I've really met some interesting people that have reassured my involvement in this community.
22 Austin Texas USA | February 9, 2013
I don’t think that it was a sudden epiphany, so much as a gradual self-discovery mainly through the use of the internet and the open-minded and loving people around me. For the first 6 years of school for me though were a rollercoaster of feelings of inferiority, and a natural deviation from anything that everybody else seemed to be interested in. To my recollection, my earliest memories of infantile tendencies dates back to 1994 (I must have been 5 at the time) when my little brother was born, I would compulsively hoard his things, and as he grew bigger and older, I would continue to try on his clothes or stuff my underwear full of diapers until he outgrew such things, then I would become isolated from my child self for many years to come. Fun Fact!: I was 4 and in Preschool when I realized my fetish for body-inflation (they showed Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory that day, you do the math) a whole year before I would go back into diapers!
24 Toronto Ontario Canada | October 25, 2012
I was definitely young, still in high school. I remember finding DL-Boy and realizing there was this whole community who wore diapers for pleasure. At first it was exciting and thrilling, something that I wanted to taste. It’s like when you go to the ice cream shop and they have a new flavor. You are hesitant to taste it, but after you do, it’s usually a pleasant and exhilarating experience. After connecting with a few people, I found one guy who lived in my city. I was too afraid to ‘play’ so instead asked if he would drop off diapers in my mailbox. When he complied I was super happy. In those days text messaging wasn’t extremely popular, so he named a time to drive by the house. I peeked out the window waiting with bated breath. When he pulled up, delivered the diapers and drove away I immediately ran down to the mailbox, grabbed the diapers and put them on. It was my very first experience. It was simply amazing and made me realize I have a real kink for wearing.
19 Wisconsin, USA | September 12, 2020
So, I was a bedwetter for the better part of my adolescence, from 2 years old, when I was potty trained, to about 14 and 15 years old. During my time of bedwetting, I wore pull ups and it was embarrassing. Whenever I made friends I would have to have the talk about my bedwetting when the eventual sleepover happened. Most times they were sympathetic and I even knew a few people who were also bedwetters. I did not have any traumatic experiences while bedwetting thankfully. Bedwetting was just something embarrassing that lingered a little too long for my liking. When I finally, finally beat being a bedwetter I felt something I was not expecting. I felt myself missing being diapered. Now it did not happen right away. I was happy I was not a bedwetter anymore. I did not have to worry about going to sleepovers and putting on a pull up secretly. But diapers started growing on me. Little bits here and there, diaper commercials, stories online, going to the store and circling the baby aisle. Eventually around 15-16 I fully grew into it. I liked diapers.
Kita Sparkles
June 5, 2018
When I was still a kid actually. I did not know what it was of course. But I had this overwhelming desire to wear a diaper. I even had dreams I can still remember in which I ended up diapered. No real experiences though, past having my temperature taken in my bottom when I was about 8 or 9 because I couldn't breathe and thus could not keep my mouth closed. Also I once went to help my sister babysit, and she let me drink out of the baby's bottle. I also slept in a crib once at my aunt's house when I was 7, because there were no extra beds.
I found out what AB was when I was about 14 and my brother told me. It still took me a couple years before I believed it was real. lol
26 Saint Louis MO USA | February 1, 2019
I've known I was a diaper lover for longer than I can remember. I only started to explore my AB side for the past few years but looking back I can see it has always been there.
19 Atlanta GA USA | December 7, 2018
When I was 14 , I though I was alone and that no one else had my kinky similarities. Luckily and through the help of tumblr, I discovered a whole community of people who like the things that I like.
Chuck aka LittleBoyC
23 Kansas | December 13, 2014
I would say about a few years ago! i found some stuff on the web one day, about how i still slept with my baby blankie and wanted to have a stuffed animal as well and came across some forums! though i didn't have any feeling for diapers i knew after i found more people like me and read about it more and more the idea of diapers grew on me. i think just in the last few years my love for being a little boy grew more and more!
21 Richmond, VA | November 13, 2020
I first remember having thoughts about diapers, pacis, bottles and such around 8 years old. I often has accidents for years as a kid, come to find out later on in life I actually have what’s called urge incontinence and my mother just never helped me get it treated. But none the less I would get locked in staring at the diapers at the grocery store, if a family member ever asked me to get a diaper for them when they were changing their kid I would take a little to long just holding them and staring in awe. When I discovered I could fit into pampers size 7 as a 10 year old it kind of exploded from there!
35 Melbourne, Victoria Australia | November 4, 2018
I was about 6 years old the first time I tried on one of my baby sister's cloth diapers. I got a hell of a spanking for it.
Little Joshy
20 Suburban Philadelphia, PA USA | January 5, 2016
I first realized that I was interested in diapers around age seven or eight. My mom worked a few different day cares/preschools when i was young and I would go there with her. I was potty trained by this time and was always jealous of the younger kids who still got to wear diapers or pull-up
28 Southeast England | March 7, 2019
When I first realised I was ABDL was when I discovered the internet really. I was always 'childish' or 'babyish', but when I found other people like me online it all just clicked and I was like, yes! Im not just a weirdo, im not alone, there are others out there. It was a huge comfort.
21 Ohio USA |January 17, 2017
I don't know really. Probably at a 16 or 13 but at the time I didn't know that term or heard that there was a name for what I was into. At first I started off on youtube doing wedgie dares. That's how most people know me. My name was wedgiedarebrothers on youtube. I was still fascinated by diapers and wanted to wear but at the time didn't have money. I always had really awesome diaper dreams of getting babied and that.
22 Virginia USA | February 6, 2013
Honestly, it goes back to when I was just out of diapers. I never got rid of my pacifier or bottles/sippy cups and my parents never really forced me until I was much older, at which point I was smart enough to hide them.
26 Anaheim CA USA | January 12, 2016
To understand my bio family, I am the second born of 4 children; each of us are about a year apart from the other. So growing up I was first to be potty trained while my sibs were in diapees. But I was constantly around diapees till I was 4 and I always wanted to be back in them; but anytime I tried I was punished and told “no.”
When I was 7, I would wear my undies in the shower and pretend they were diapees. And then I would wear multiple undies to get the thickness right. I would then rinse off in the shower with my undies on and then hide them behind my bed.
I collected tons of large plushies which always kept me company when I went to sleep as a kid (and I still need to sleep with my stuff wolf to get a good night sleep). My favorite was an oversized Mickey that I would tuck into bed with me and stuck on his thumb before bed sometimes.
This was the first time I remember wishing that I could wear diapers all the time. But I had no clue what ABDL was till I was 16 and got a laptop.
33 Colorado Springs CO USA | November 15, 2016
Around 7 or 8 years old, when my younger sister and several of my cousins were born (we all lived in the same city at the time), I remember seeing them in diapers and wanting the same. I moved around alot around that time and didn't have much time to think about/act on my desire to wear diapers until much later on in my teens when we finally settled down and my parents bought a house. I first got online when I was 14, around '96 and within a few months found about about AB's, DL's and adult sized diapers.
London UK | November 26, 2012
Weirdly, I didn't - until it happened. I have always had a kinky streak and loved clothing that can 'give access' easily. Crotch-fastening underwear or onesies have always formed part of my wardrobe since I came across them just after leaving my parents (I was 17). I have a thing for underwear generally too, so had all sorts from jocks to boxers to complete thermal sets ... but hey, I digress already.
Anyway, I'd been seeing this guy and we'd been going out whenever I got into London. He gradually started asking me to turn up in assorted ways to ensure my 3-hour journey to the city kept me, shall we say, excited.
On this particular trip, I was staying for 4 nights as I was working on a contract in the city. I was told not to pack any underwear but to arrive wearing a cock-ring instead. It meant I was flapping all-over the place in my pants and was pretty ready for anything by the time I got to his place. As a bottom, I was welcomed and then welcomed him, if you get my drift, but wasn't allowed to get off too. Instead, he put a butt-plug in and gave me a pair of black-CK underwear to put on.
We then went out partying. Of course, I was semi-erect, leaking pre-cum and the plug didn't really help this condition much at all. Sp I flooded the black underwear with something of a sticky mess and was spanked for it when we got back in - "look at this mess in your underpants" etc.
For work, the following day, I was put in a chastity cage (a CB6000S) as I still hadn't 'shot my load', this to prevent playing during the day. When I got back in the evening, I was stripped to the CB6000S, the plug re-inserted, and we ate before getting ready to go out. Thinking about it, I should have twigged at the amount of liquid I was given with my meal.
Anyway, I went to shower, and when I came back to the bedroom he'd laid out my clothing for the trip to the local club. Trainers, socks, jeans, a tight white t-shirt ... and a nappy - a tena Maxi.
He said I had made such a mess of the underpants that he wanted to make sure I didn't do the same to the jeans as I would stay locked up and plugged for the evening. He put the nappy on me, and I have to confess that I was straining within my CB from the moment I'd seen the nappy. He then gave me another drink ... then we headed out.
Later, I needed to go to the bathroom to relieve some of the huge amount of liquid I had consumed ... that's when he caught hold of me and whispered in my ear "that's what the nappy's for".
I blushed like mad. And held on to my piss until I couldn't hold it any longer. At that point, I tried letting lots of little bits out at a time - at least I had the sense not to flood my nappy completely. I had never been so horny as I was, standing in the bar, pissing myself in front of everyone and then feeling the nappy bulk up around my bits. He had been watching me intently and knew the moment I started to fill my nappy - he patted me on the backside mid-flow and asked if I was hard ... I simply nodded.
When we got back, I was on the point of leakage - he simply stripped me down and changed me. I was nappied every night I was there from then on. If travelling to/from his place from home, I would also have to travel nappied. He found a fetish i never knew I had - and boy, do I love it :)
UK | August 16, 2014
Quite simply, up until the age of about 14 I was bowel incontinent. Throughout my childhood years I suffered badly with no control of my bowels. I was in and out of nappies, mostly in them. I learnt to adapt it to it from an early age and despite relentless bullying throughout school years, I never really let it bother me. There were times when I was bullied, humiliated and ashamed by other pupils, people who I am now friends with on Facebook. I never hold it against them, kids are kids and don’t always understand situations. There are still people who send me messages of harassment and bullying. I’m just glad in my day we didn’t have the prominence of smart phones, I think it would have been so much more degrading.
My Mum was the main parent in my life. She stuck with me, in public she would never ashame me or put me down. She knew I had an issue with my mind and body. Although I was never actually diagnosed with a medical condition by doctors, she knew I had an illness. In public, although she would have to change me, she never did it humiliatingly. The only times she let people see me in a nappy were at family gatherings or at the beach.
At the age of 14, miraculously over the space of a week, my life completely changed. Somehow, unbeknown to everybody, I regained control of my body. It ranks as one of the happiest moments of my life, my Mum was so proud of me. It was a huge milestone in life, despite how silly it sounds.
26 Rochester NY USA | July 8, 2018
Like most people in the community, I had an inexplicable affinity towards diapers from an early age. My earliest memory of this was when I was 5 or 6 years old and my friend still wore pullups on occasion. I distinctly remember feeling jealous of her and, I think, I asked my parents at one point if I could wear them too. [READ MORE]
26, Alabama USA | March 4, 2019
The earliest memory I have of it is as a six year old. I was at my aunt's house while my mom was visiting her. One of my cousins was late to the potty training party so he still wore diapers. I remember putting one on and then crawling around through this small maze of tubes they had set up in their play room when my mom came looking for me. After that, my next experiences happened around my early middle school years. There were these brothers living up the street at the house on the corner that me and my brother became friends with. We had a sleepover one night and just as we were about to lay down for the night, the younger one was called into his room by their mom. His brother told us that he still wet the bed at times and had to wear pull-ups when he went to sleep. Just like that there was this spark of interest in my mind. Over the next few weeks I'd sneak off while at their house and stash a couple of them in my bag to wear to bed when I got home. That was the real beginning of my little journey.
33 Phoenix AZ USA | April 14, 2019
I can't say that I did really realize it until just a few years ago - about 3 or so years ago. Perhaps that makes me a late bloomer in this scene, but of course there's more to this story. I grew up fast and matured early as a child, but there was a period around age 10-11 when I had this overwhelming desire to be back in boys briefs (a drastic departure from the cool-kids boxer shorts at that time, in my neck of the woods). And somehow I did convince my mother to buy me some, but with adult reflection I think this was the first sign that I was really looking for more - but there was no feasible way for me to achieve anything more at that time.
27 New Orleans LA USA | June 3, 2018
Hard to say for sure, I developed an odd fasciation with diapers around age 5 and given I had little brothers in diapers/pull-ups all of my childhood, I was wearing them on occasion as I hit puberty and they became sexually satisfying when I was around 13. I did not necessarily identify as a DL until I was 19 and started to venture out into the community a bit more. Identifying with the AB side of things is honestly pretty recent (in the last year) and something I am still exploring.
24 Fort Collins CO USA | March 24, 2016
When I was in middle school working at church. I helped the little kids in class, and I knew some had to wear diapers, so one day I took some and tried them on, and fell in love with the felling of it.
Pup Artemis
27 San Fransisco CA USA | October 16, 2018
Around late middle early elementary school. I was picked on a lot and realized picturing other boys in diapers helped me process a lot of the anger and humiliation for some reason and I gradually realized I was attracted to the idea of a guy in a diaper. This gradually expanded and I started wanting to try them myself.
25 New York, NY USA | August 2, 2018
I started discovering my sexuality when I was 13, and with that like any boy you start looking up porn.
Well, one day I came across a guy who was padded and I was turned on. So, through out all of my teens I look at guys who are padded and started learning more about this scene.
Finally, when I was 19 and in my second year of college, I made the decision to finally dive into this community and that is where I discovered RuPadded (for all you abdls who talked before tumblr and IG lol) and I started chatting with guys.
So I had gotten to chat with this guy who was super cool and alumni of the college I was going to (Lakhota for all you who know this awesome man). One thing led to another and we finally met up and talked over wine for hours and he sent me home with some diapers to test them out myself . We met up a second time, and this time he padded me up. Needless to say since that day I was hooked and I never looked back.
18 San Diego, CA USA | August 18, 2012
Ummm, not entirely sure when exactly i realized i was AB/DL. I was wearing diapers until i was 16 for bedwetting problems, and had always enjoyed the aspect of being treated younger than i actually was. I remember just always enjoying it when someone would say i was adorable or cute cause of the way i acted all the time, i guess it just made me feel special rather than normal like everyone else and i liked it.
Paul Rulof aka RuleOfThree
33 Chicago IL USA | May 22, 2013
It took me a while to realize that I was a Daddy. I was right around 25. Looking back, once I found the label of ageplay, a lot of different things really were clarified and unified under this label.
23 North Carolina | May 21, 2012
The story of how I came to love diapers started early in my life. It might have occurred earlier, but I definitely know I was into diapers when I was around 5 years old. The diaper lover aspect of myself didn’t evolve into more of an adult baby lifestyle until about 5 months ago during my last semester of college. Up until then, I was more of a caretaker. For whatever reason, one day I had an incredible urge to wear a diaper. I went to the store and bought some diapers myself. I loved them! Next thing you know it, I was sucking on bottles and pacifiers.
24 Destin, FL USA | February 3, 2019
I’d say the first time I realized that I was abdl was when I was about 12. I had just grown out of wetting the bed and it made me realize I really liked diapers. From there I found this site called deekers diaper boys or something of that sort. I don’t remember as this site is long gone. I wrote a few stories of myself on there. And found out that there was a whole lot more diaper people out there and maybe I wasn’t just some weird little boy who liked diapers. That and the fact that wearing a diaper even just the scent could give me an instant stiffy. I never really identified as an abdl until later in my life.
Scott Jobs
19 Baja California Mexico | March 10, 2017
Well, when I was just a little kid I was a bedwetter, from like 5 years to 15 years old. I wore diapers (more like baby diapers)… and well, over time I came to really love it!!! Of course I was ashamed, at first… but by the time I turned 15 I was still wearing, just in secret.
I entered the ABDL world around the age of 13 or 14. I saw the model Scotty of qualitydiapers.net (now undercarewear), and he was my age - he was sort of like an “inspiration” I guess.
Now I am 19, and I work with my daddy selling diapers in Mexico. I use my own pics for modeling diapers. My favorite diapers are Little Paws and, for school I prefer Cushies nwn.
When I was in high school I met a very brave girl who would walk around with a pacifier and baby bottles. I say brave because she used them in the school. I wanted to have a relationship with her but then I saw her kissing a boy, and I asked if he was his boyfriend and surprise !! she told me “he is my best friend, my boyfriend lives in Tijuana." I was like... no... slut. :(
These days I really don’t care if people see my diapers in public. When I´m with my daddy (Abdl) I give him a lot of hugs in public nwn. I really love him, he is the best and eventually I wanna live with him, but first I need finish university.
28 Austin TX USA | February 9, 2019
I realized I was into the ABDL scene when I was very young. I remember when I was about 6 years old having a fascination with diapers. I took my first real plunge into it when I bought a pack of Goodnites at the age of 13. Then started to explore the internet to figure out if I was alone it it. When I was a kid, and playing house with people, I would always want to be the baby... There were just plenty of signs it was what I was.
25 Eureka CA USA | September 20, 2012
I began acting on my diaper fetish at around age 6 or 7. At 19 or so I realized that it'd be really enjoyable to be on the other end of the spectrum. About three years ago I decided to act on that impulse, and it was wonderful.
I was prepared for how sexy & kinky it was.
I wasn't prepared for how heartwarming and intimate it turned out to be.
22 Shropshire UK | June 19, 2018
I first realised I was ABDL when I was very young. I remember, as a child, I'd reminisce about how much I missed being a toddler (me being around 6-7 and being able to remember those times!). I'd get really upset and wish so hard to be put back into nappies. I still have that same frustration to this day, but it's obscured by grown up problems and responsibilities.
22 Chicago IL USA | February 9, 2019
Honestly it's kinda always been there I've always had this childlike nature when by myself be I would say I fully learned about what the abdl culture and got into it when I was 18.
19 Charlotte, NC USA | October 31, 2012
I first came to realize that I was an Adult Baby when I was around the age of 12. See I had been a bedwetter from the time that I was potty trained until the age of 10 or 11. During that time I wet the bed every single night and didn't have any real form of protection until I was around 6 or 7. My parents caved and bought me Goodnites to help me get a good nights sleep and to make the laundry less painful for them. Well about a year after I had stopped wetting, I started to realize that the commercials for baby diapers on the TV gave me funny feelings and that I really for some reason was intrigued by them. From that point being a child of my generation I went to the great know all source of information, the internet. I started to do searches on google with phrases like:
"Is it weird if a 12 year old wants to wear diapers?"
"Why does a pre-teen want to wear diapers?"
From there I found various sources about being a Teen baby and one of them was Deeker's Diaper page. Now I know this was not a great source of information in retrospect, but it was what I had to work with. From there things started to slowly build up from their, and I realized for the first time that I was a Teen Baby.
24 Wales UK | May 8, 2015
I must have been around 14. For years, whenever I was walking around the streets, I'd see kids in pushchairs and be randomly jealous of them. I had no idea why. When I stumbled upon this world, everything clicked into place, and I realised why I was jealous, because I wanted to be little again.
40s South Africa | September 30, 2012
I don’t remember much about when I was young but a few things do pop out. I was five years old, older friends were visiting us (they had two kids : one boy, one girl both older than me by a bit), the boys whose name I can longer spell is laying on the floor clutching a teddy bear, his head in my lap and is calling me Mommy. That’s how it started. “Call me Mommy but don’t let the adults hear you.” Guess it was the start of my twisted personality.
Skip ahead a few years and two friends are coming for a sleep over. They arrive we chat and the one tells me he wants a bed time story. Instant attention grabber. And oh boy, he had this blonde hair and angel face that could melt the devil himself without a whiff of resistance.
For me the desire to turn boys into babies has never begun or ended. It has always just been a constant need and the ultimate way to distress and truly relax. It is not so much sexual for me but a boy in diapers can be very sexy but it is more like soul food.
I know that sounds incredibly corny but there is nothing else I would rather do than take care of boy or men who want to be babied.
I must point out I don’t wear diapers and have never had the desire to do so.
I don’t find it disgusting or weak but it just isn’t for me. The way I feel God willing one day I will be terminally ill, in a permanent twilight zone where my mind has long since left the earth and then I may need to wear a diaper until then, no matter how many times I need to get up to piss during the night, no matter how sick I am, no matter how unpleasant it maybe for me or anyone else it simply remains I don’t wear diapers.
Once I’m stuck on something and I know I’m in the right I also don’t take no for an answer no matter how much drama it causes. And believe me, in my life, the fact that I believe in being good and honest and like to do the right thing has caused major hassles for me.
21 New Jersey USA | April 30, 2012
Well I didn't really know anything about it till I was like 16-17, because that's when I got my first computer in my own room. I had been too nervous to do research on it with the family computer in case someone found something in the history. I had been interested in diapers since I was like 8-9 though.