
June 7, 2016

We announced this contest on May 1, 2016.

I received 57 photo entries, and 19 stories during the month of May.

Voting was only available for a short while, but in that time 143 people took the time to vote - many taking 10, 15, or even 20 minutes to really look at all of the pictures, read all of the stories, and give their thoughts on who they believed had the best #AbysitterContest entries in 2016.

Only 17 people could win a prize.

That means 40 people would walk away with nothing.

For those who won, a hearty congratulations is in order.

For those who didn't, something to put it into perspective: I've been blogging since November 2008. I've written hundreds upon hundreds of blog entries in that time. And, in eight years of diaper blogging, I've never won a prize, either.

Unless, of course, you count things like your participation in this contest. 

If you count the number of community members who have stepped forward to complete Q&A's when I've asked.

Or the number of folks who have written guest entries for the blog.

Or the number of people who send me adorableness shot on film, so I can take breaks from posting my own stuff when I need to purge a bit.

That stuff kept this blog from folding, like so many others have.

Or the people who send me encouragement when I'm blogging less. Or those who tell me to slow down when I'm blogging more.

People who scour the blog for stories I wrote in 2009, or 2010, and write to tell me that they really enjoyed it and hope that I'll write the final chapter (lol).

Especially, of course, the sponsors who step up and donate some amazing prizage, so that the contest gets the kind of turnout that this one did.

Things like that.

I can't wear them, or suck on them, or pee in them - but the best 'prize' of all, for me, is involving anyone in our community who wants to be involved in things like my blog, and our contests, and everything else we've done over the years.

I count every single person who's ever entered my contest, or done a Q&A, or written a guest entry, or supported me and my efforts in any other way, as a blessing. 

If you didn't win a prize this year, it's because so many people entered the contest, spurred on by tickets to TeddyCon, and onesies from down under, and premium diapers, and size 5 and 6 paci's, and t-shirts, and books, and... well, I think you get the idea.

Not everyone could win. Most of us knew that going in.

In the end, you introduced your followers to my blog, and I really appreciate that.

I hope that you got some followers out of the deal, as well.

I spent most of today writing emails to all 57 of you.

They were sent out as soon as the grand prize was announced.

Thank you for entering my contest... you have no idea what that means to me.

Hope you had fun, and gained some followers and new friends, along the way...

Stay up,



