Deeker’s Diaper Page, or, first appeared on the web in early 1999. By February 2010 it was advertised for sale. During its 11-year run it gathered quite a bit of controversy in the community, primarily for its openly welcoming children at a time when our community was beginning to adopt a stricter stance on that subject.
Do you have memories to share from the Deeker’s Diaper Page days? Please contact Cwis to help…

At some point, Deeker’s website would land on the radar of troll site Kiwi Farms. That, I believe, was the beginning of the end for the Deeker Diaper experience. Members searched through the website to find such nuggets as the lyrics below.
“I remember my first Google searches for “Diaper stories”. That’s how I came across deeker. I knew at least that there must be more like me, so I never thought I was too too weird. None of it at a young age was ever sexual for me. It was more of the nurturing and AB side of things I liked. I would imagine myself to the the main character of whatever story I read, and it really helped solidify my love for ABDL stuff.”
“There was a specific ABDL story site...which I will not name, but is very well known and it no longer exists. I discovered it when I was around....13 years old and I was actually beyond excited that I wasn’t the only one that had this interest. I remember a huge sense of relief and utter joy at getting to learn about even more the community and expand my curiosities.”
“Deeker’s Diapers. These days it has a reputation for rampant pedophilia and wildly inappropriate content, but back then it was, to a 12 year old me, the only known location of ABDL content that catered to someone my age. And their alphabetic categorization scheme meant that I was never exposed to any of the things on the page that give it its reputation today. I’d come home from school and in the 150 minutes before my mom came home from work I’d read as many stories as I could get through. It gave me way too many wild expectations about who I’d be able to get diapered up when I went to summer camp or when I stayed over at a friend’s, though.”
“At sixteen I discovered DPF and Deeker’s. Both are now pretty much defunct, and while the latter was uncomfortably okay with stories involving minors, both sites were my introduction to the ABDL lifestyle and I must acknowledge that. It was such a relief to find both sites. Discovering them was the beginning of accepting this part of my life.”
“I’m definitely over 18 now, but when I first discovered the internet I kind of just searched ‘diaper’ on the old aol and was introduced to the glorious and of course (which, at the time, I didn’t know was a total creeper site). This was absolutely ground breaking for me! I realized that i wasn’t the only one in this world that had this interest…”
“Like most guys my age I found a certain story website that shall not be named. I found it a few months before it was shut down. I remember being mad it was shut down at the time but looking back I wish it was shut down sooner because of how creepy it was.”
“Deeker was a good way to read stories others submitted by those who wrote them.”
“I think I first discovered Deeker’s Diaper Page when I was middle school. I was somewhere around 11 or 12 year olds when I mussed up the courage to do a google search for ‘diaper stories’. I remember being surprised that I actually found anything, as if I was expecting nothing but a bunch of results telling me there was something wrong with me. It was a bit of a surreal experience, actually, discovering this entire community of people like me. It was these earlier experiences of reading stories and sightings and simply knowing that I wasn’t alone that eventually helped me accept my little side.”
“This all transmuted into abdl when I started using the internet around ten years old. We didn’t have a computer until then, but I certainly made up for lost time quickly. I stumbled on a Deeker (cringe) story one day about a boy who gets put back in diapers for Thanksgiving and I was hooked. Many of the ideas around humiliation, power dynamics, diaper usage, diaper dependency, caregiver dynamics, messing were all new or much more developed than what I had thought of in my own fantasies prior.”
“The discovery of deeker diaper boys which would later become a different website which I don’t remember the name of was absolutely critical to me embracing the lifestyle of being an abdl. That was at about age 12 I’d say.”