
The first generation of Aby.com got its start in late 1998. It would later go on to become a networking website - Aby.com 2.0 - in 2005.



When I was in college, someone invented the internet. Personal computers were finally affordable enough for people to have the internet at home. If you had the internet at home, though, it was typically dial-up, or hella expensive DSL. I, therefor, used the internet at school.

At my college we had a series of computer labs. They were big rooms with several dozen computers, each on a cable connection, and each connected to one of several shared printers. 

The computer labs were used primarily for academic work: research, studying, and homework. 

They were used for other stuff, to a lesser degree. While Facebook's creator was barely out of diapers himself around this time, there were other pre-social media places where people could sorta socialize online: websites, AOL chatrooms, and on AIM, YIM, and other messengers. 

There was a Geocities community for nearly everything. Interests. Hobbies. If you were into collecting stone carvings of the Smurfs, someone out there had created a community for it.

My junior year I discovered others like me - others into diapers - online, in something of a community, as well. 

I began utilizing the computer lab computers for searches for diaper websites. There were precious few at the time, and very few of them were anything more than text, but I used a selection of different search engines - Google hadn't even been invented yet, I don't think - and I lined them all up, searched them all, and found what I could. 

There were a few adult baby albums online. If you were online around this time, you remember the Little Taylor album and the Red Baby album. (If anyone has links to these anywhere, please hit me up!) 

And, if you were online around this time, you remember Vincent VanGoo and his pasties series. 

My first discovery of ABDL photos, and the ABDL pasties series, came in my junior year when I discovered a website called Aby.com. 

It wasn't the social networking, aka community, site yet.

It was a site with pictures, basically.

Well, links to pictures.

To me, a college kid who had only previously imagined that there might be other people who wore diapers out there somewhere in the world, there was no more welcome sight on the internet. 

I would walked from computer lab to computer lab until I found an open computer in the back corner of any room.

I'd go in and turn on the computer - this was so long ago there weren't even logins required at the time, you just sat down and started surfing.

I'd open a browser to something academic, and then open a second one to Aby.com.

I'd head for the Aby Pix link, and look for whatever was the newest...

It’s important to remember that, back then, diaper pictures were few and far in between. Today’s newer ABDLs are so. fucking. spoiled. with their Tumblr ‘feed’ allowing for literally non-stop scrolling through padded shot after padded shot.

Back then you had to click the links one at a time, and then wait for them to load.

Some would get halfway there, loading from nose to navel, and then stop. Others would open to a big red ‘X’. But, if I was lucky, I’d have a whole bunch of new ABDL pics to perv to.

Most of the pictures were of random guys wearing diapers, including fraternity baby shots, Halloween shots, and other pics which clearly weren't AB/DL related.

There were a few pictures of actual ABDLs, but you had to work hard to find them. 

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